CMS 垃圾回收日志中的"Full GC Before GC"是什么意思?

我正在运行一个应用程序,在Weblogic上使用java5和CMS垃圾回收器。在垃圾收集日志中,我看到了消息的日志,其中大部分我都能理解使用Sun的Java HotSpot Virtual Machine文档中的Memory Management和这个有用的博客条目(。


124525.178: [Full GC Before GC:
Statistics for BinaryTreeDictionary:
Total Free Space: 353610889
Max   Chunk Size: 353610889
Number of Blocks: 1
Av.  Block  Size: 353610881
Tree      Height: 1
Statistics for IndexedFreeLists:
Total Free Space: 4190038
Max   Chunk Size: 256
Number of Blocks: 37181
Av.  Block  Size: 119
 free=357800921 frag=0.0233
Before GC:
Statistics for BinaryTreeDictionary:
Total Free Space: 0
Max   Chunk Size: 0
Number of Blocks: 0
Tree      Height: 0
Statistics for IndexedFreeLists:
Total Free Space: 0
Max   Chunk Size: 0
Number of Blocks: 0
 free=0 frag=0.0000



您在同一行看到两条消息Full GC意味着它正在启动Full GC。Before GC表示它正在转储系统启动前的状态。
