







Dfs(i,j) {
  if (arr[i][j+1] == "-" && i >=0 && i<=row.size && j>=0  && j<=column.size) {
  } else if(arr[i][j+1] == "@") {
  if (arr[i][j-1] == "-" && i >=0 && i<=row.size && j>=0  && j<=column.size) {
  }   else if(arr[i][j-1] == "@") {
  if (arr[i+1][j] == "-" && i >=0 && i<=row.size && j>=0  && j<=column.size) {
  } else if(arr[i+1][j] == "@") {


在Haskell中有许多制作2D数组的方法,这里有一个稍微费力的将字符读取到Data中的示例。数组数组,然后用state monad:

import Data.Array
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
main = do str <- getContents -- accepts string from stdin
          let array = mkThingArray str -- we parse the string
              limits = snd (bounds array) -- we remember (height,width)
              initialState = ((0::Int,-1::Int),limits,array)
          ((position,(h,w),a)) <- execStateT findpath initialState
          let chars = elems $ fmap toChar a
          putStrLn ""
          putStrLn $ splitText (w+1) chars
parseArray str = listArray ((0,0),(height-1, width-1)) total where 
    rawlines = lines str
    ls       = filter (not . null) rawlines
    lens     = map length ls
    height   = length ls 
    width    = minimum lens 
    proper   = map (take width) ls
    total    = concat proper              
data Thing = Open | Closed | Home | Taken deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
toThing c = case c of '-' -> Open; '#' -> Closed; '@' -> Home;
                      '+' -> Taken; _ -> error "No such Thing"
toChar c = case c of Open -> '-'; Closed -> '#'; 
                     Home -> '@'; Taken -> '+'
mkThingArray str = fmap toThing (parseArray str)


-- we begin with moveright, which may then pass on to movedown 
-- and so on perhaps in a more sophisticated case
findpath = moveright 
  moveright = do ((n,m), (bound1,bound2), arr) <- get
                 if m < bound2 
                 then case arr ! (n,m+1) of
                   Open   -> do liftIO (putStrLn "moved right")
                                put ((n,m+1), (bound1,bound2), arr // [((n,m+1),Taken)])
                   Closed -> movedown
                   Home   -> return ()
                   Taken  -> movedown
                 else movedown
  movedown = do ((n,m), (bound1,bound2), arr) <- get
                if n < bound1 
                then case arr ! (n+1,m) of
                   Open   -> do liftIO (putStrLn "moved down")
                                put ((n+1,m), (bound1,bound2), arr // [((n+1,m),Taken)])
                   Closed -> moveright
                   Home   -> return ()
                   Taken  -> moveright
                else moveright    
splitText n str = unlines $ split n [] str 
   where split n xss []  = xss
         split n xss str = let (a,b) = splitAt n str
                           in if not (null a) 
                                then split n (xss ++ [a]) b
                                else xss


$ pbpaste | ./arrayparse 
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved down
moved right
moved right
moved down
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved right
moved right



import Data.Array
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
main = do str <- readFile "input.txt"
          ((pos,(h,w),endarray)) <- execStateT findpath 
                                               (mkInitialState str)
          putStrLn $ prettyArray endarray
-- the following are just synonyms, nothing is happening:
type Pos = (Int, Int)      -- Our positions are in 2 dimensions
type Arr = Array Pos Char  -- Characters occupy these positions
type ArrState = (Pos, Pos, Arr) -- We will be tracking not just 
                                --  an array of Chars but a 
                                --  current position and the total size
parseArray :: String -> Arr
parseArray str = listArray ((1,1),(height, width)) (concat cropped) where 
    ls       = filter (not . null) (lines str)
    width    = minimum (map length ls)     
    height   = length ls            
    cropped  = map (take width) ls -- the map is cropped to shortest line
prettyArray :: Arr -> String
prettyArray arr = split [] (elems arr)
  where (ab,(h,w)) = bounds arr 
        split xss []  = unlines xss 
        split xss str = let (a,b) = splitAt w str
                        in if null a then unlines xss else split (xss ++ [a]) b
mkInitialState :: String -> ArrState
mkInitialState str = ((1::Int,0::Int), limits, array)
 where array = parseArray str      -- we parse the string
       limits = snd (bounds array) -- we remember (height,width)
        -- since we don't resize, tracking this could be avoided
makeStep :: Arr -> Pos -> Arr   
makeStep arr (n, m) = arr // [((n,m),'+')]  -- this is crude
moveRight, moveDown, findpath :: Monad m => StateT ArrState m ()
moveRight = do ((n,m),bounds,arr) <- get
               put ((n,m+1), bounds, makeStep arr (n,m+1))
moveDown = do ((n,m),bounds,arr) <- get
              put ((n+1,m), bounds, makeStep arr (n+1,m))
findpath = tryRight  
  where -- good luck for most paths ...
  tryRight  = do ((n,m), (_,bound2), arr) <- get
                 if m < bound2 
                 then case arr ! (n,m+1) of
                   '@' -> return ()
                   '-' -> do moveRight
                   _   -> tryDown 
                 else tryDown 
  tryDown  = do ((n,m), (bound1,_), arr) <- get
                if n < bound1 
                then case arr ! (n+1,m) of
                   '@'   -> return ()
                   '-'   -> do moveDown
                   _  -> tryRight 
                else tryRight     
runInput :: String -> String
runInput str = prettyArray endarray
 where ((position,(h,w),endarray)) = execState findpath (mkInitialState str)
 -- If I wanted to include IO things in the state machine,
 -- I would have to use execStateT not execState, which presupposes purity
test :: String -> IO ()
test str = putStrLn (runInput str)
t1 = unlines ["---#--###----" 
             , ""
             , "-#---#----##-"
             , ""
             , "------------@"
             ] :: String
t2 = unlines ["---#--###----"
             ] :: String



如果你关心获得特定随机坐标的效率,我可以想象IntList IntList Char可以为你工作;它几乎就像列表的列表,但是单个单元可以更有效地更新,并且它为寻路提供了廉价的随机访问。


