
我一直在阅读Bjarne Stroustrup的编程:使用c++的原理和实践。这不是家庭作业,也不是学校的作业。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    double temp = 0;
    string unit = " ";
    double largest = 0;
    double smallest = 0;
    while (cin >> temp >> unit)
        if (largest == 0 && smallest == 0)
            largest = temp;
            smallest = temp;
            cout << "That's the largest number seen so far.n";
            cout << "That's the smallest number seen so far.n";
        else if (temp >= largest)
            largest = temp;
            cout << "That's the largest number seen so far.n";
        else if (temp <= smallest)
            smallest = temp;
            cout << "That's the smallest number seen so far.n";
            cout << temp << 'n';
    return 0;

我需要在#include <string>编译之前,我添加了额外的"printf()" stmts用于调试。



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
    double temp = 0;
    string unit = " ";
    double largest = 0;
    double smallest = 0;
    while (cin >> temp >> unit)
        cout << "NEXT: temp=" << temp << ", unit=" << unit << "n";
        if (largest == 0 && smallest == 0)
            largest = temp;
            smallest = temp;
            cout << "That's the largest number seen so far.n";
            cout << "That's the smallest number seen so far.n";
        else if (temp >= largest)
            largest = temp;
            cout << "That's the largest number seen so far.n";
        else if (temp <= smallest)
            smallest = temp;
            cout << "That's the smallest number seen so far.n";
            cout << temp << 'n';
    cout << "DONE: temp=" << temp << ", unit=" << unit << ", smallest=" << smallest << ", largest=" << largest << "n";
    return 0;


12 cm
NEXT: temp=12, unit=cm
That's the largest number seen so far.
That's the smallest number seen so far.
6 "
NEXT: temp=6, unit="
That's the smallest number seen so far.
18 feet
NEXT: temp=18, unit=feet
That's the largest number seen so far.
DONE: temp=18, unit=feet, smallest=6, largest=18


似乎这个问题是编译器/系统特定的。我的代码在OSX的默认编译器中出现了问题,但在使用MinGW作为编译器的Windows 10上运行相同的代码却完美无缺。多奇怪的虫子啊。如果有人有任何关于如何让这个程序使用其默认编译器在OSX上工作的提示,我将非常感谢。
