
我是编程的新手,并且制作了赌场游戏。要在此游戏中押注您写&quot'bet100&quot。您写下注 要投注多少钱。我将如何制作,以使奖金变得更大/较小,具体取决于您决定押注多少?我该如何编码?

import random
print("CasinoGame") #Miriam
money = 1000
gameActive = True
while gameActive:
    bet = input("""Write "bet" to bet 100$""")
    bet_len = len(bet)
    if bet_len == 0:
        print("bet is empty")
    bet_type = bet[:3]
    amount = 0
    if bet_len > 3:
        num_string = bet[3:]
        amount = int(num_string)
    print(bet, bet_type, amount)


import random
money = 1000
while True:
    # 1) ask if player wants to continue to play
    continue_play = input('Write "bet" if you want to continue to play or "quit" if you want to leave the casino.n')
    # if not: break the loop
    if continue_play == 'quit': break
    # if typo or something: ask again (next iteration)
    if continue_play != 'bet': continue
    # ask for bet size (has to be integer)
    bet = int(input(f'Enter the amount you want to bet (in numbers).nYour money: {money}n'))
    # check if user is able to make the bet, if not: tell how much money is left and start again (next iteration)
    if bet > money: 
        print(f'Sorry, but you cannot bet more money than you have. Your money: {money}.n')
    # calculate possible winnings (bigger if the bet is bigger)
    # you could also do something like a exponential function
    poss_win = bet*3
    # flip a coin
    coin = random.randint(0,1)
    # see if the user won 
    if coin == 1: 
        win = True
        win = False
    # evaluate: give money if win, take if loose
    if win:
        print(f'Congratulations, you won {poss_win}.')
        money = money - bet + poss_win
        print(f'Sorry, but you lost {bet}.')
        money = money - bet
    # if the user is broke: throw him out of the casino 
    if money == 0:
        print('Sorry, you are broke. Thank you, come again.')
# see & tell if user made or lost money (or is even)
if money < 1000:
    losses = 1000 - money
    print(f'You lost {losses} and have now {money}.')
elif money == 1000:
    print('You have neither lost nor won something.')
    winnings = money - 1000
    print(f'Congratulations, you have won {winnings} and have now {money}.')

请注意,F-string仅在Python版本> 3.6中起作用。另外,如果用户输入除整数以外的其他内容,则该脚本将中断。您可以实现tryexcept语句以避免。
