VBA:使用 Excel 编辑 Word 文档会出现运行时错误 438:对象不支持此属性或方法



  • Visual Basic for Applications
  • Microsoft Excel 16.0 对象库
  • OLE 自动化
  • Microsoft Office 16.0 对象库
  • 引用编辑控件
  • Microsoft Word 16.0 对象库


Public appWord As Word.Application
Public sapmWord As Word.Document
Dim asNimi As String 'in this current sub


On Error Resume Next
Set appWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
Set appWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
appWord.Visible = True
Set sapmWord = appWord.documents.Open("C:ThisIsWorkingandDocOpens.docx")
'sapmWord.Activate 'doesn't make a difference
With sapmWord
Selection.EndKey Unit = wdStory 'this line is first line to give an error. With or without a dot in the beginning of line.
Selection.TypeText Text:=asNimi 'this line too, if previous is commented
'...and so on!
End With
sapmWord.Close savechanges:=True
Set appWord = Nothing
Set sapmWord = Nothing

sapmWord是一个word文档。Word 文档没有selection方法。Word 应用程序对象具有它,所以可能是您的意思(是的,您需要"."(

With appWord 
.Selection.EndKey Unit:= wdStory 
.Selection.TypeText Text:=asNimi 
'...and so on!
End With

你必须更改 sapmWord.Close savechanges:=True for appWord.quit savechanges:=True


With sapmWord
.Selection.EndKey Unit = wdStory
.Selection.TypeText Text:=asNimi
End With

