var test1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SaveManager.currentSave, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings()
PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects
var test2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Save>(test1);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Com.BlewScreen.Woongame
public class Save
private bool initialSave = true;
private string saveName;
//Player var
private House house;
private string districtHouseName;
private House wantsToMove;
private string districtWantsToMoveToName;
public District houseDistrict;
public District wantsToMoveToDistrict;
private int income;
private int health;
private int balance;
private int livingpleasure;
private int regtime;
private bool disabled;
private bool hasPartner;
private int kids;
private int livingSituationCount;
//Housing market var
private DistrictStats a; //Tom: Change this to "DistrictStatsA" etc. instead of just a, b, c, d, e
private DistrictStats b;
private DistrictStats c;
private DistrictStats d;
private DistrictStats e;
private string characterIndexes;
public string CharacterIndexes { get; set; }
public string characterSkinTone;
public string CharacterSkinTone { get; set; }
public House House
get{ return house; }
set{ house = value; }
public House WantsToMove
get{ return wantsToMove; }
set{ wantsToMove = value; }
public int Income
get { return income; }
set{ income = value; }
public int Health
get{ return health; }
set{ health = value; }
public int Balance
get{ return balance; }
set{ balance = value;}
public int Livingpleasure
get{ return livingpleasure;}
set{ livingpleasure = value;}
public int Regtime
get{ return regtime;}
set{ regtime = value;}
public bool Disabled
get{ return disabled;}
set{ disabled = value;}
public bool HasPartner
get{ return hasPartner;}
set{ hasPartner = value;}
public int Kids
get{ return kids;}
set{ kids = value;}
public DistrictStats A
get{ return a;}
set{ a = value;}
public DistrictStats B
get{ return b; }
set{ b = value;}
public DistrictStats C
get{ return c;}
set { c = value;}
public DistrictStats D
get{ return d;}
set{ d = value;}
public DistrictStats E
get{ return e;}
set{ e = value; }
public string DistrictHouseName
get{ return districtHouseName;}
set{ districtHouseName = value; }
public string DistrictWantsToMoveToName
get{ return districtWantsToMoveToName;}
set{ districtWantsToMoveToName = value; }
public bool InitialSave
get{ return initialSave; }
set{ initialSave = value;}
public int LivingSituationCount
get{ return livingSituationCount;}
set{ livingSituationCount = value; }
public string SaveName
get{ return saveName; }
set{ saveName = value; }
public Save()
InitialSave = true;
public Save(string saveName, House house, House wantsToMove,
int income, int health, int balance, int livingpleasure,
int regtime, bool disabled, bool hasPartner, int kids,
int livingSituationCount, DistrictStats a, DistrictStats b,
DistrictStats c, DistrictStats d, DistrictStats e, string characterIndexes, string characterSkinTone)
initialSave = false;
DistrictHouseName = house.District.DistrictName;
if(wantsToMove != null)
DistrictWantsToMoveToName = wantsToMove.District.DistrictName;
this.saveName = saveName;
this.House = house;
this.WantsToMove = wantsToMove;
this.Income = income;
this.Health = health;
this.Balance = balance;
this.Livingpleasure = livingpleasure;
this.Regtime = regtime;
this.Disabled = disabled;
this.HasPartner = hasPartner;
this.Kids = kids;
this.LivingSituationCount = livingSituationCount;
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
D = d;
E = e;
this.CharacterIndexes = characterIndexes;
this.CharacterSkinTone = characterSkinTone;
notsupportedException:刚体属性已被弃用 UnityEngine.gameobject.get_rigidbody()(在C:/buildslave/unity/build/runtime/runtime/export/gameobject.deprecated.cs:23) (包装器动态方法)UnityEngine.gameObject.getRigidBody(对象) newtonsoft.json.serialization.dynamicvalueprovider.getValue(object) 将Rethrow作为jsonserializationException:错误从" unityEngine.gameObject"上从"刚体"获取值。 newtonsoft.json.serialization.dynamicvalueprovider.getValue(system.Object target) /p>
- 将
[JsonObject(MemberSerialization = MemberSerialization.OptIn)]
属性添加到属性/字段。 - 为每个组件编写一个自定义的jsonconverter。
protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var properties = base.CreateProperties(type, memberSerialization);
// Only filter class that is derived from MonoBehaviour
if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MonoBehaviour)))
// Keep name property OR properties derived from MonoBehaviour
properties = properties.Where(x => x.PropertyName.Equals("name") || x.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MonoBehaviour))).ToList();
return properties;