


@echo off
set "source=H:SourceSend"
set "destination=F:Destination>"
For /F "delims=" %%I IN ('DIR %source%*.txt /A:-D /O:-D /B') DO COPY %SOURCE% "%%I" %target% & echo %%I & GOTO :END


@echo off
:: Use the parameter AuTosTaRt to start the actual loop.
:: This parameter should never be used directly/manually.
:: It should only be used by this script file to start itself.
if "%1"=="AuTosTaRt" goto :beginmove
:: Check if this script is already running
:: Note that it seems like there should be a better
:: reliable way to do this, but this is what I've
:: found over the years.
:: If the script is already running then exit.
:: Sometimes the windowtitle includes Administrator
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq Administrator: Move text files"| find /i "cmd.exe" >nul && goto :eof
:: Sometimes the windowtitle doesn't include Administrator
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq Move text files"| find /i "cmd.exe" >nul && goto :eof
:: Sometimes there is an odd timing issue where the script
:: is running but somehow the above lines do not find it.
:: Wait 5 seconds and check again just to make sure.
timeout /t 5 >nul
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq Administrator: Move text files"| find /i "cmd.exe" >nul && goto :eof
tasklist /fi "windowtitle eq Move text files"| find /i "cmd.exe" >nul && goto :eof
:: If we get here, then the script isn't running.  Let's start it:
start "Move text files" /min cmd /d /c "%~dpnx0" AuTosTaRt
goto :eof

set "source=H:SourceSend"
set "destination=F:Destination"
move "%source%*.txt" "%destination%" >nul 2>nul
:: Pause 1 second.  We don't need the loop to go crazy.
timeout /t 1 >nul
goto :loop
