我正在尝试将域映射到外部固定ip为34.90.216.44的Google CLoud托管实例。
Try to use "www.cloudflare.com" Clouflare records, and they'll give you 1 year free SSL certificate optimisation and much more nice stuff for your website 1 advantage, then try to make sure that you provide all DNS records from Google cloud to your DNS hostingprovider because i think GOOGLE CLOUD gives 4 records not just one and also you should make CNAME and A records :
CNAME as : www.yourdomainename.com
A as : your domain name.X.X.X.X
NS as : yourdomainename.the records Google advice1
NS as : yourdomainename.the records Google advice2
NS as : yourdomainename.the records Google advice3
NS as : yourdomainename.the records Google advice4
"P.S : X.X.X.X = your ip address".
then it'll work fine, Good luck.