object _Application failed的OnTime方法
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
count = 1
Call test
End Sub
Public runwhen As Double
Public Const runwhat As String = "TheSub"
Public firstrunTime As Double
Public count As Integer
Sub test()
If count = 1 Then
runwhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5)
firstrunTime = runwhen
runwhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5)
End If
Application.OnTime runwhen, "TheSub"
End Sub
Sub TheSub()
MsgBox "Hi!!!!!!"
count = count + 1
Call test
If count = 5 Then
End If
End Sub
'First Version of StopTimer
Sub StopTimer()
Application.OnTime firstrunTime, "TheSub", , False
End Sub
'Second Version of StopTimer
Sub StopTimer()
Application.OnTime runwhen, "TheSub", , False
End Sub
Sub test()
If count = 1 Then
runwhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5)
firstrunTime = runwhen
runwhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5)
End If
If count <> 5 Then
Application.OnTime runwhen, "TheSub"
Call StopTimer
End If
End Sub
'Third Version of StopTimer
Sub StopTimer()
Application.OnTime runwhen, "TheSub", , False
End Sub
06:00:00.000 - Workbook opens
06:00:00.001 - Subroutine Test is called
06:00:00.002 - Count is 1, so first If statement executes the first section
06:00:00.003 - runwhen is set to 06:00:05.003
06:00:00.004 - firstruntime is set to 06:00:05.003
06:00:00.005 - Count is 1, not 5, so second If statement executes the first section
06:00:00.006 - OnTime is set to run TheSub at 06:00:05.003
06:00:00.007 - Subroutine Test finishes and control returns to TheSub
06:00:00.008 - Count is 1, not 5, so If statement is not executed
06:00:00.009 - Subroutine TheSub finishes and execution of macro stops
06:00:05.003 - OnTime event triggers
06:00:05.004 - Subroutine TheSub is called
06:00:05.005 - MsgBox is displayed
The user is very slow to press the button this time. (Mainly because I had
written a lot of the following times, and then realised my Count was out
by 1, and I didn't want to have to rewrite everything - so I just added
a very slow response here.)
06:00:12.000 - User presses OK
06:00:12.001 - Count is set to 2
06:00:12.002 - Subroutine Test is called
06:00:12.003 - Count is 2, not 1, so first If statement falls into Else portion
06:00:12.004 - runwhen is set to 06:00:17.004
06:00:12.005 - Count is 2, not 5, so second If statement executes the first section
06:00:12.006 - OnTime is set to run TheSub at 06:00:17.004
06:00:12.007 - Subroutine Test finishes and control returns to TheSub
06:00:12.008 - Count is 2, not 5, so If statement is not executed
06:00:12.009 - Subroutine TheSub finishes and execution of macro stops
06:00:17.004 - OnTime event triggers
06:00:17.005 - Subroutine TheSub is called
06:00:17.006 - MsgBox is displayed
06:00:18.000 - User presses OK
06:00:18.001 - Count is set to 3
06:00:18.002 - Subroutine Test is called
06:00:18.003 - Count is 3, not 1, so first If statement falls into Else portion
06:00:18.004 - runwhen is set to 06:00:23.004
06:00:18.005 - Count is 3, not 5, so second If statement executes the first section
06:00:18.006 - OnTime is set to run TheSub at 06:00:23.004
06:00:18.007 - Subroutine Test finishes and control returns to TheSub
06:00:18.008 - Count is 3, not 5, so If statement is not executed
06:00:18.009 - Subroutine TheSub finishes and execution of macro stops
06:00:23.004 - OnTime event triggers
06:00:23.005 - Subroutine TheSub is called
06:00:23.006 - MsgBox is displayed
06:00:24.000 - User presses OK
06:00:24.001 - Count is set to 4
06:00:24.002 - Subroutine Test is called
06:00:24.003 - Count is 4, not 1, so first If statement falls into Else portion
06:00:24.004 - runwhen is set to 06:00:29.004
06:00:24.005 - Count is 4, not 5, so second If statement executes the first section
06:00:24.006 - OnTime is set to run TheSub at 06:00:29.004
06:00:24.007 - Subroutine Test finishes and control returns to TheSub
06:00:24.008 - Count is 4, not 5, so If statement is not executed
06:00:24.009 - Subroutine TheSub finishes and execution of macro stops
06:00:29.004 - OnTime event triggers
06:00:29.005 - Subroutine TheSub is called
06:00:29.006 - MsgBox is displayed
06:00:30.000 - User presses OK
06:00:30.001 - Count is set to 5
06:00:30.002 - Subroutine Test is called
06:00:30.003 - Count is 5, not 1, so first If statement falls into Else portion
06:00:30.004 - runwhen is set to 06:00:35.004
06:00:30.005 - Count is 5, so second If statement executes falls into the Else portion
06:00:30.006 - Subroutine StopTimer is called
06:00:30.007 - Code attempts to cancel Ontime event scheduled for 06:00:35.004 (the value of runwhen),
but fails because no such event is scheduled)
'In your Workbook module
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
count = 1
Call StartTimer
End Sub
'In your main code module
Option Explicit
Public runwhen As Double
Public count As Integer
Sub TheSub()
MsgBox "Hi!!!!!!"
count = count + 1
Call StartTimer
End Sub
Sub StartTimer()
If count <> 5 Then
runwhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5)
Application.OnTime runwhen, "TheSub"
End If
End Sub
Application.OnTime runwhen, "TheSub", , False
Public runwhen As Double
Public Const runwhat As String = "TheSub"
Public firstrunTime As Double
Public count As Integer
在你的代码模块的顶部。把它们放在Option Explicit
Sub StopTimer()
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime runwhen, "TheSub", , False
End Sub
public nextTime1 as Date
public nextTime2 as Date
sub StartTimer()
call Repeat1 'the first scheduled sub
end sub
sub StopRepeat1
Application.OnTime nextTime1, "Repeat1", , False
end sub
sub StopRepeat2
Application.OnTime nextTime2, "Repeat2", , False
end sub
sub Repeat1()
nextTime1 = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5)
if condition = true then
call Repeat2
call StopRepeat1 '< here gives error because I try to stop this sub from itself
end if
Application.OnTime nextTime1, "Repeat1"
end sub
sub Repeat2()
nextTime2 = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
call StopRepeat1 '< also gives error because this sub Repeat2 was called from Repeat1, and thus I also try to stop Repeat1 from itself
'do something
Application.OnTime nextTime2, "Repeat2"
end sub