

var Arr = function () {};
Arr.prototype = Object.create( Array.prototype );
Arr.prototype.push = function() {
    // Some custom code here
    Array.prototype.push.apply( this, arguments );


var arr1 = new Arr();
arr1[1] = 13;
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call( arr1 ), arr1, arr1.length); // [object Object] { '1': 13 } 0
var arr2 = new Array();
arr2[1] = 13;
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call( arr2 ), arr2, arr2.length); // [object Array] [ , 13 ] 2

在ES5和更早之前,您无法"子类" Array(也就是说,基于Array构造函数和Array.prototype创建自己的构造函数和原型),并为魔术属性获得正确的处理,但截至ES2015(又称" ES6"),可以以几种不同的方式,最容易的是新的class东西:

// REQUIRES ES2015+!
class MyArray extends Array {
    constructor(...args) {
    lengthTimesTwo() {
        return this.length * 2;
    cappedJoin() {
        return this.map((s) => s.toUpperCase()).join();
var a = new MyArray("one", "two", "three");
console.log("lengthTimesTwo: " + a.lengthTimesTwo());
console.log("cappedJoin: " + a.cappedJoin());


var arrayExtras = {
  lengthTimesTwo: function() {
    return this.length * 2;
  cappedJoin: function() {
      return this.map(function(s) {
        return s.toUpperCase();
    //...and so on...
function myArray() {
  var key, rv = [];
  rv.push.apply(rv, arguments);
  for (key in arrayExtras) {
    Object.defineProperty(rv, key, { // Add the method as a non-enumerable property
        value: arrayExtras[key],
        writable: true
    // For pre-ES5 support, change the call above to simply:
    // rv[ley] = arrayExtras[key];
  return rv;
var a = myArray("one", "two", "three");
console.log("lengthTimesTwo: " + a.lengthTimesTwo());
console.log("cappedJoin: " + a.cappedJoin());
