static class Program
// The main entry point for the application.
static void Main()
Aag_Listen AagListen1 = new Aag_Listen();
Trace.WriteLine("Application: Thread #1 and #2: about to start");
// starts Thread #2 where the Aag (server) listens for the Lru (client) message
Thread AagListenThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AagListen1.ListenForLru));
Application.Run(new SetOperation()); // this runs in Thread #1
// Class is the beginning of Thread #2: Aag (server) listens for Lru (client) incoming message
// Gets the message data; calls to prepare it to be displayed by GUI; It then responds to the Lru
// 1) listens for the Lru msg, accesses and reads it into an object
// 2) passes the object with the message string to the AagPrepDisplay class
public class Aag_Listen
#region Fields
private Aag_Listen mAagListen2;
private string lruString;
internal Aag_PrepDisplay AagPrepDisplay; // need external access by Thread #1
#endregion Fields
#region Properties
public Aag_Listen AagListen2
get { return mAagListen2; }
set { mAagListen2 = value; }
public string LruString
get { return lruString; }
set { lruString = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Methods
// Aag (server) begins to listen for a Lru (client) message
public void ListenForLru()
// Aag listener reads status of message data sent
public void AagShowRequestData()
mAagListen2 = new Aag_Listen();
this.AagPrepDisplay = new Aag_PrepDisplay();
// this simulates updating each channel with message data as received from the Lru (client)
int chan = 1;
// display 405.1 and other message values
case 1:
mAagListen2.LruString = "<tdrop><path sondeID="11024"chanNum="1"rxFreq="405.1" />" +
"<sample frameNum="3440"nsats="4"gdop="25.5"battery="5.58"time="403892.500"" +
"posx="-4738495.06"posy="-2993107.15"posz="-3044438.50"gpsWeek="706" /></tdrop>";
Trace.WriteLine("mAagListen2.LruString = " + mAagListen2.LruString);
chan = 3;
case 2:
mAagListen2.LruString = "<tdrop><path sondeID="11024"chanNum="3"rxFreq="405.1" />" +
"<sample frameNum="3440"nsats="4"gdop="25.5"battery="5.58"time="403892.500"" +
"posx="-4738495.06"posy="-2993107.15"posz="-3044438.50"gpsWeek="706" /></tdrop>";
Trace.WriteLine("mAagListen2.LruString = " + mAagListen2.LruString);
chan = 4;
AagPrepDisplay.PrepareDisplay(AagListen2); // prepares data for Windows Form GUI display
#endregion Methods
// Class runs in Thread #2: Aag (server) prepares received Lru (client) message data for Windows Form GUI display
// 1) receives from Aag_Listen class message and determines if it's a correct message
// 2) creates an object and extracts parameter values from message and assigns to object.
public class Aag_PrepDisplay
#region Fields
private string chanNum;
private string receiveFreq;
private DateTime date_time;
private static int first;
private static int last;
private Aag_PrepDisplay mAagPrep;
#endregion Fields
#region Properties
public Aag_PrepDisplay AagPrep
get { return mAagPrep; }
set { mAagPrep = value; }
public string ReceiveFreq
get { return receiveFreq; }
set { receiveFreq = value; }
public string ChanNum
get { return chanNum; }
set { chanNum = value; }
#endregion Properties
#region Methods
// begins extracting message parameters for Windows Form GUI display
public void PrepareDisplay(Aag_Listen aagListen2)
mAagPrep = new Aag_PrepDisplay();
Aag_DisplayEvent AagDisEvt1 = new Aag_DisplayEvent();
bool Tdrop = aagListen2.LruString.Contains("tdrop"); // search for correct message
if(!Tdrop) // reject string if not correct
{ //search message data string for channel parameters to prepare for Aag display
// search for channel number from message; extract and save as string
first = aagListen2.LruString.IndexOf("chanNum="") + "chanNum="".Length;
last = aagListen2.LruString.IndexOf(""rxFreq");
String substring = new String('1', 1);
mAagPrep.ChanNum = aagListen2.LruString.Substring(first, last - first);
Trace.WriteLine("mAagPrep.ChanNum = " + mAagPrep.ChanNum);
AagDisEvt1.ChDet += new ChDetHandler(OnChDetDisplay); // hooks handler to event
AagDisEvt1.ChDetDisplay(AagPrep); // passes the object w/message parameters to AagDisplayEvent class to fire the event
// event handler called from Aag_DisplayEvent class
public void OnChDetDisplay(object sender, ChanEventArg e)
SetOperation SetOp1 = new SetOperation();
} //******* PROBLEM HERE: WHY doesn't Windows Form actual frequency textbox update when this event closes? PROBLEM HERE:*********
#endregion Methods
// class handles the event argument that is the AagPrep class object containing all message parameters
public class ChanEventArg : EventArgs
public object Name;
public ChanEventArg(object name)
Name = name;
public delegate void ChDetHandler(object sender, ChanEventArg e); // declare delegate
// class is acting server that handles event notification
public class Aag_DisplayEvent
public event ChDetHandler ChDet; // delegate object reference declared
// helper method to help call delegate object for event
protected void OnChDet(ChanEventArg e)
if(ChDet != null)
ChDet(this, e); // calls event
// fires event by calling helper method
public void ChDetDisplay(object name)
OnChDet(new ChanEventArg(name));
// this class is the Windows Form running in Thread #1. It displays and updates all Window Form textboxes.
public partial class SetOperation : Form
public SetOperation()
Trace.WriteLine("Thread #1: Set Operations Launched");
// updates the Aag (server) actual received frequency GUI display as received by the Lru (client) channel message
public void updateActFreq(Aag_PrepDisplay aagPrep)
Trace.WriteLine("Update Actual Frequency Selected");
case "1":
Trace.WriteLine("Update ActFreqChan1 Selected");
ActFreqChan1.Text = aagPrep.ReceiveFreq; // Lru (client) actual received frequency
case "2":
Trace.WriteLine("Update ActFreqChan2 Selected");
ActFreqChan2.Text = aagPrep.ReceiveFreq;
case "3":
Trace.WriteLine("Update ActFreqChan3 Selected");
ActFreqChan3.Text = aagPrep.ReceiveFreq; // PROBLEM: Why is this not updated in Windows Form textbox?
Trace.WriteLine("aagPrep.ReceiveFreq = " + aagPrep.ReceiveFreq);
Trace.WriteLine("ActFreqChan3.Text = " + ActFreqChan3.Text); // NOTE: this does reflect the updated actual frequency.
// called from the Aag_DisplayEvent class event handler to update the actual frequency in Windows Form textboxes
public void updateAll(Aag_PrepDisplay aagPrep)
Trace.WriteLine("Update All Selected");
您的问题与此主题的所有其他问题完全一样。有三种方法可以将方法调用到UI线程,虽然我没有详细阅读您的代码,但我不会看看您在哪里使用的代码。这就是问题。一种方法适用于Winforms表单或控件中的代码,一种方法适用于WPF Windows和控件,而第三个则适用于无法直接访问控件的Winforms或WPF应用中的代码。我在这里展示了这三个。在您的情况下实施最合适的。如果您希望表单或控件进行编组,请使用issynchronizeInvoke,如果您希望类在UI线程上提出事件,即使它不是UI元素本身,请使用Synchronization -context。