MuPDF Android库垂直滚动

我使用的是MuPdf Android库,我想要垂直滚动而不是水平页面滚动,尝试了一切,但失败了,谷歌的问题,并在Stackoverflow上找到了答案,有人回答了他的问题,为问题作者工作,但我没有得到这个解决方案,把这些方法放在ReaderView,但通过这种方式,我发现了与其他活动相关的错误,请帮助我在哪里把这些方法等,有人在mupdf垂直滚动?



我用swipeHorizontal(boolean isHorizontal)方法为Mupdf创建了一个新的绑定库,这样你就可以轻松地在垂直和水平滚动之间进行更改


可以通过将水平值更改为垂直值(将所有与宽度相关的计算更改为高度)来实现。更改onLayout() &onFling()如下所示:(参考)

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
        // "Edit mode" means when the View is being displayed in the Android GUI editor. (this class
        // is instantiated in the IDE, so we need to be a bit careful what we do).
        if (isInEditMode())
        View cv = mChildViews.get(mCurrent);
        Point cvOffset;
        if (!mResetLayout) {
            // Move to next or previous if current is sufficiently off center
            if (cv != null) {
                cvOffset = subScreenSizeOffset(cv);
                // cv.getRight() may be out of date with the current scale
                // so add left to the measured width for the correct position
                //if (cv.getLeft() + cv.getMeasuredWidth() + cvOffset.x + GAP/2 + mXScroll < getWidth()/2 && mCurrent + 1 < mAdapter.getCount()) {
                if (cv.getTop() + cv.getMeasuredHeight() + cvOffset.y + GAP / 2 + mYScroll < getHeight() / 2 && mCurrent + 1 < mAdapter.getCount()) {
                    // post to invoke test for end of animation
                    // where we must set hq area for the new current view
                //if (cv.getLeft() - cvOffset.x - GAP/2 + mXScroll >= getWidth()/2 && mCurrent > 0) {
                if (cv.getTop() - cvOffset.y - GAP / 2 + mYScroll >= getHeight() / 2 && mCurrent > 0) {
                    // post to invoke test for end of animation
                    // where we must set hq area for the new current view
            // Remove not needed children and hold them for reuse
            int numChildren = mChildViews.size();
            int childIndices[] = new int[numChildren];
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
                childIndices[i] = mChildViews.keyAt(i);
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
                int ai = childIndices[i];
                if (ai < mCurrent - 1 || ai > mCurrent + 1) {
                    View v = mChildViews.get(ai);
        } else {
            mResetLayout = false;
            mXScroll = mYScroll = 0;
            // Remove all children and hold them for reuse
            int numChildren = mChildViews.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
                View v = mChildViews.valueAt(i);
            // Don't reuse cached views if the adapter has changed
            if (mReflowChanged) {
                mReflowChanged = false;
            // post to ensure generation of hq area
        // Ensure current view is present
        int cvLeft, cvRight, cvTop, cvBottom;
        boolean notPresent = (mChildViews.get(mCurrent) == null);
        cv = getOrCreateChild(mCurrent);
        // When the view is sub-screen-size in either dimension we
        // offset it to center within the screen area, and to keep
        // the views spaced out
        cvOffset = subScreenSizeOffset(cv);
        if (notPresent) {
            //Main item not already present. Just place it top left
            cvLeft = cvOffset.x;
            cvTop = cvOffset.y;
        } else {
            // Main item already present. Adjust by scroll offsets
            cvLeft = cv.getLeft() + mXScroll;
            cvTop = cv.getTop() + mYScroll;
        // Scroll values have been accounted for
        mXScroll = mYScroll = 0;
        cvRight = cvLeft + cv.getMeasuredWidth();
        cvBottom = cvTop + cv.getMeasuredHeight();
        if (!mUserInteracting && mScroller.isFinished()) {
            Point corr = getCorrection(getScrollBounds(cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom));
            cvRight += corr.x;
            cvLeft += corr.x;
            cvTop += corr.y;
            cvBottom += corr.y;
        } else if (cv.getMeasuredWidth() <= getWidth()) {
//            // When the current view is as small as the screen in height, clamp
//            // it vertically
//            Point corr = getCorrection(getScrollBounds(cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom));
//            cvTop += corr.y;
//            cvBottom += corr.y;
            // When the current view is as small as the screen in width, clamp
            // it horizontally
            Point corr = getCorrection(getScrollBounds(cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom));
            cvRight += corr.x;
            cvLeft += corr.x;

        cv.layout(cvLeft, cvTop, cvRight, cvBottom);
        if (mCurrent > 0) {
            View lv = getOrCreateChild(mCurrent - 1);
            Point leftOffset = subScreenSizeOffset(lv);
            /*int gap = leftOffset.x + GAP + cvOffset.x;
            lv.layout(cvLeft - lv.getMeasuredWidth() - gap,
                    (cvBottom + cvTop - lv.getMeasuredHeight())/2,
                    cvLeft - gap,
                    (cvBottom + cvTop + lv.getMeasuredHeight())/2);*/
                        int gap = leftOffset.y + GAP + cvOffset.y;
            lv.layout((cvRight + cvLeft - lv.getMeasuredWidth())/2,
                    cvTop - lv.getMeasuredHeight() - gap,
                    (cvRight + cvLeft + lv.getMeasuredWidth())/2,
                    cvTop - gap);
        if (mCurrent + 1 < mAdapter.getCount()) {
            View rv = getOrCreateChild(mCurrent + 1);
            Point rightOffset = subScreenSizeOffset(rv);
            /*int gap = cvOffset.x + GAP + rightOffset.x;
            rv.layout(cvRight + gap,
                    (cvBottom + cvTop - rv.getMeasuredHeight())/2,
                    cvRight + rv.getMeasuredWidth() + gap,
                    (cvBottom + cvTop + rv.getMeasuredHeight())/2);*/
                        int gap = cvOffset.y + GAP + rightOffset.y;
            rv.layout((cvRight + cvLeft - rv.getMeasuredWidth())/2,
                    cvBottom + gap,
                    (cvRight + cvLeft + rv.getMeasuredWidth())/2,
                    cvBottom + rv.getMeasuredHeight() + gap);



 public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX,
                           float velocityY) {
        if (mScaling)
            return true;
        View v = mChildViews.get(mCurrent);
        if (v != null) {
            Rect bounds = getScrollBounds(v);
            switch (directionOfTravel(velocityX, velocityY)) {
                case MOVING_UP:
                    if ( >= 0) {
                        // Fling off to the left bring next view onto screen
                        View vl = mChildViews.get(mCurrent + 1);
                        if (vl != null) {
                            return true;
                case MOVING_DOWN:
                    if (bounds.bottom <= 0) {
                        // Fling off to the right bring previous view onto screen
                        View vr = mChildViews.get(mCurrent - 1);
                        if (vr != null) {
                            return true;
            mScrollerLastX = mScrollerLastY = 0;
            // If the page has been dragged out of bounds then we want to spring back
            // nicely. fling jumps back into bounds instantly, so we don't want to use
            // fling in that case. On the other hand, we don't want to forgo a fling
            // just because of a slightly off-angle drag taking us out of bounds other
            // than in the direction of the drag, so we test for out of bounds only
            // in the direction of travel.
            // Also don't fling if out of bounds in any direction by more than fling
            // margin
            Rect expandedBounds = new Rect(bounds);
            expandedBounds.inset(-FLING_MARGIN, -FLING_MARGIN);
            if (withinBoundsInDirectionOfTravel(bounds, velocityX, velocityY)
                    && expandedBounds.contains(0, 0)) {
                mScroller.fling(0, 0, (int) velocityX, (int) velocityY, bounds.left, bounds.right,, bounds.bottom);
        return true;
