在 spritekit 中的某种数组、类或结构中存储多个用户默认值变量?



//Class gameScene variable this tracks per level if the player found the bean, if so then it's set to true and the bean will not load in the level if the player revisits
var foundBeanLevel1 = UserDefaults().bool(forKey: "FoundBeanLevel1")
var foundBeanLevel2 = UserDefaults().bool(forKey: "FoundBeanLevel2")


if foundBeanLevel1{
let secretBean: SKSpriteNode = childNode(withName: "SecretBean") as! SKSpriteNode


//total count, if it's not the sum of the number of levels then the player didn't collect all beans
var secretBeanCount: Int = UserDefaults().integer(forKey: "SavedSecretBean") {
didSet {
//sets the increment to user defaults
UserDefaults().set(secretBeanCount, forKey: "SavedSecretBean")
if node.name == SecretBean{
secretBeanCount += 1
if levelCheck == 1 {
UserDefaults().set(true, forKey: "FoundBeanLevel1")
} else if levelCheck == 2 {
UserDefaults().set(true, forKey: "FoundBeanLevel2")


UserDefaults().set(0, forKey: "SavedSecretBean")
UserDefaults().set(false, forKey: "FoundBeanLevel1")
UserDefaults().set(false, forKey: "FoundBeanLevel2")


扩展 Tom E 关于使用 Set 并保存到 UserDefaults 的明智建议,您可能还希望将所有其他游戏变量保存在一个对象中并轻松使用它。如果您坚持使用UserDefaults,我建议使用Codable,这就是实现的样子:

struct GameSceneVariables: Codable {
let beanLevels: Set<Int>
let savedSecretBean: Int
extension UserDefaults {
/// Saves a Codable Object into UserDefaults
/// - Parameters:
///   - object: The object to save that conforms to Codable
///   - key: The key to save and fetch
/// - Returns: if the save was successful or failed
func set<T:Codable>(_ object: T, key: String) -> Bool {
guard let encodedValue = try? JSONEncoder().encode(object) else {
return false
UserDefaults.standard.set(encodedValue, forKey: key)
return true
/// Retrieves a Codable object saved in UserDefaults
/// - Parameters:
///   - key: The key that was used to save the object into UserDefaults
///   - type: The type of the object so that you would not to actually cast the object so that the compiler
///           can know what Type of object to Return for the generic parameter T
/// - Returns: returns the object if found, or nil if not found or if not able to decode the object
func object<T:Codable>(forKey key: String, forObjectType type: T.Type) -> T? {
guard let data = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: key) as? Data else { return nil }
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
let variables = GameSceneVariables(beanLevels: [0, 1, 2], savedSecretBean: 0)
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
let success = userDefaults.set(variables, key: "GameSceneVariables")
if success {
let fetchedVariables = userDefaults.object(forKey: "GameSceneVariables", forObjectType: GameSceneVariables.self)
} else {
// This can happen because the properties might not have been encoded properly
// You will need to read up more on Codable to understand what might go wrong
print("Saving was not a success")


您可以考虑将 Bean 级别数字存储在Set中:

var beanLevels = Set<Int>()

集合确保元素只存储一次,因此在上面的示例中,集合将只包含 1 和 3。


if beanLevels.contains(1) {
// ...

此外,您不再需要SavedSecretBean。相反,你可以通过以下方式测试集合是否包含任何 bean:

if beanLevels.isEmpty {
// ...


// Save
let beanLevelsArray = Array(beanLevels)
UserDefaults.standard.set(beanLevelsArray, forKey: "Bean Levels")
// Restore
if let beanLevelsArray = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "beanLevels") as? [Int] {
let beanLevels = Set(beanLevelsArray)


用户默认值旨在保存自定义用户首选项。 当需要保存少量数据时,可以将其存储在此处,但是如果您打算将其用于更大的数据集,我建议您寻找其他地方。这是因为用户默认值充当数据库,并且其值被缓存,因此您不会多次读取和写入数据库。 拥有大量数据可能会使缓存失效,从而导致系统从数据库获取的频率超过必要。 我建议只创建一个用于读写的特殊结构,并将其保存到文档目录中。 (请记住关闭从外部应用程序对文档目录的访问,以便用户无法操作保存文件。我认为苹果现在默认这样做(


struct MyGameData : Codable{
enum CodingKeys: String,CodingKey{
case beans = "beans"
var beans = [Int:Any]() //Int will reference our level, and AnyObject could be something else, like another dictionary or array if you want multiple beans per level
static var beans : [Int:Any]{
return instance.beans
instance.beans = newValue
private static var instance = getData()
private static var documentDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
private static func getData() -> MyGameData{
let url = documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent("saveData.json", isDirectory: false)
if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) {
return MyGameData()
if let data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: url.path) {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
let gameData = try decoder.decode(MyGameData.self, from: data)
return gameData
} catch {
} else {
fatalError("No data at (url.path)!")

public static func save(){
let url = documentDirectory.appendingPathComponent("saveData.json", isDirectory: false)
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
do {
let data = try encoder.encode(instance)
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url)
let _ = FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: url.path, contents: data, attributes: nil)
} catch {
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
do {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(beans, forKey: .beans)
} catch {
init(from decoder: Decoder)
do {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
beans = try values.decode([Int:Any].self, forKey: .beans)
} catch {



let beans = MyGameData.beans


