

[Summary("**%timer** + time in seconds and then it will tell you when it's done!")]
private async Task test(string input)
    //something like this
    User user = Context.User;
    string name = Context.User.Username;
    Int32 time = Convert.ToInt32(input);
    time *= 1000;
    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":stopwatch: **" + name + "** has put a timer on **" + input + "** seconds! :stopwatch:");
    await Task.Delay(time);
    //and then
    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":stopwatch: **" + user + "'s** timer on **" + input + "** seconds is done! :stopwatch:");

将命令的运行模式设置为 async :

[Command("timer", RunMode = RunMode.Async)] // <-- here
[Summary("**%timer** + time in seconds and then it will tell you when it's done!")]
private async Task test(string input)
    Int32 time = Convert.ToInt32(input);
    time *= 1000;
    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":stopwatch: **" + Context.User.Mention + "** has put a timer on **" + input + "** seconds! :stopwatch:");
    await Task.Delay(time);
    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":stopwatch: **" + Context.User.Mention + "'s** timer on **" + input + "** seconds is done! :stopwatch:");


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