(!!) 的递归定义-功能

所以我尝试构建 GHC 中已经定义的 (!!) 函数。递归列出。 我想提取列表的第 n 个元素并返回它。 这是我首先得到的:

taken0 :: [β] -> Int -> β -- but not recursive
βs `taken0` 0 = head βs
βs `taken0` n = last (take (n+1) βs)



taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ -- doesn't compile
taken γs 0 = head γs
taken γs 1 = head (tail γs)
taken γs n = head ( tail (takenth γs (n-1)) )


taken :: [γ] -> Int -> [γ] -- works, but returns a list
taken γs 0 = γs
taken γs 1 = tail γs
taken γs n = tail (taken γs (n-1))

它确实可以编译,但处理起来很难看,它返回一个列表,第一个元素是由 n "输入"的元素。

*Main> head ([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] `taken` 0)      returns 0
*Main> head ([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] `taken` 1)      returns 1
*Main> head ([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] `taken` 2)      returns 2

始终返回正确的(第 n 个元素) 但我之前不得不插入头部。

我想要的是一个函数,虽然是递归的,但它返回的是单个元素而不是列表...... 有没有办法在不编写另一个函数或每次都使用 head 的情况下完成此操作? 喜欢:

*Main> taken2 [5,8,6,0,2,5,7] 3                    returns 0


taken :: [γ] -> Int -> [γ] -- works, but returns a list
taken γs 0 = γs
taken γs 1 = tail γs
taken γs n = tail (taken γs (n-1))


  1. 你的案例太多了。您只需要这两个:

    taken ys 0 = ...
    taken ys n = ...
  2. 您希望返回列表的元素,而不是列表。特别是,第一个规则需要返回列表的第一个元素。一种方法是使用head

    taken ys 0 = head ys
  3. 现在我们需要修复第二条规则。我们想递归地编写这个,所以我们想做这样的事情:

    taken ys n = taken ?? ??


    我们也知道ys的第一个元素不适合使用,所以我们想把它扔掉。为此,我们可以使用tail ys.把这一切放在一起,我们得到

    taken ys n = taken (tail ys) (n-1)



  1. 此解决方案并不可靠。如果使用负索引调用它,则会导致无限递归。对这种情况的处理留给读者作为练习。

  2. 您可以使用模式匹配代替headtail。例如,第一种情况可以写为

    taken (y:_) 0 = y



taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ
taken [] n = _
taken (γ:γs) n = _

请注意,上面带有下划线占位符的语法是实际的 Haskell 语法(对于足够新的 GHC),这将导致编译器打印出这样的错误,要求您填写空白,并告诉您可用于填写它们的部分:

foo.hs:2:14: error:
• Found hole: _ :: γ
Where: ‘γ’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
taken :: forall γ. [γ] -> Int -> γ
at foo.hs:1:1-24
• In the expression: _
In an equation for ‘taken’: taken [] n = _
• Relevant bindings include
n :: Int (bound at foo.hs:2:10)
taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ (bound at foo.hs:2:1)
2 | taken [] n = _
|              ^
foo.hs:3:18: error:
• Found hole: _ :: γ
Where: ‘γ’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
taken :: forall γ. [γ] -> Int -> γ
at foo.hs:1:1-24
• In the expression: _
In an equation for ‘taken’: taken (γ : γs) n = _
• Relevant bindings include
n :: Int (bound at foo.hs:3:14)
γs :: [γ] (bound at foo.hs:3:10)
γ :: γ (bound at foo.hs:3:8)
taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ (bound at foo.hs:2:1)
3 | taken (γ:γs) n = _

所以我们需要填补的第一个洞是γ型 .然而,我们唯一可用的东西是Intn,以及对taken进行递归调用。由于列表是空的,因此递归对我们没有帮助;它最终会回到我们所处的同一案例。想想我们的函数应该做什么,无论n是什么,我们都无法获得空列表的第n个元素。所以我们只需要在这里打电话给error

taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ
taken [] n = error "Index out of range"
taken (γ:γs) n = _


• Relevant bindings include
n :: Int (bound at foo.hs:3:14)
γs :: [γ] (bound at foo.hs:3:10)
γ :: γ (bound at foo.hs:3:8)
taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ (bound at foo.hs:2:1)

所以我们显然可以使用γ来安抚类型检查器,但从逻辑上讲,我们返回的值应该取决于n。如果我们采用此列表中的第 0 个元素,那么由于我们的模式匹配,我们已经将 head 元素分解为值γ,因此在这种情况下是正确的。让我们试试:

taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ
taken [] n = error "Index out of range"
taken (γ:γs) n
| n == 0    = γ
| otherwise = _


foo.hs:5:17: error:
• Found hole: _ :: γ
Where: ‘γ’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
taken :: forall γ. [γ] -> Int -> γ
at foo.hs:1:1-24
• In the expression: _
In an equation for ‘taken’:
taken (γ : γs) n
| n == 0 = γ
| otherwise = _
• Relevant bindings include
n :: Int (bound at foo.hs:3:14)
γs :: [γ] (bound at foo.hs:3:10)
γ :: γ (bound at foo.hs:3:8)
taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ (bound at foo.hs:2:1)
5 |   | otherwise = _


taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ
taken [] n = error "Index out of range"
taken (γ:γs) n
| n == 0    = γ
| otherwise = taken γs _
foo.hs:5:26: error:
• Found hole: _ :: Int
• In the second argument of ‘taken’, namely ‘_’
In the expression: taken γs _
In an equation for ‘taken’:
taken (γ : γs) n
| n == 0 = γ
| otherwise = taken γs _
• Relevant bindings include
n :: Int (bound at foo.hs:3:14)
γs :: [γ] (bound at foo.hs:3:10)
γ :: γ (bound at foo.hs:3:8)
taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ (bound at foo.hs:2:1)
5 |   | otherwise = taken γs _

现在我们到了某个地方。剩下的洞是Int型,我们有n :: Int可用。直接插入是很诱人的,但如果我们停下来思考我们正在做的事情,那就没有意义了。当n = 0应该与获取γs的第(n - 1)个元素相同时,取列表的第n个元素(γ:γs)(这是我们应该返回的结果),因此:

taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ
taken [] n = error "Index out of range"
taken (γ:γs) n
| n == 0    = γ
| otherwise = taken γs (n - 1)

没有更多的洞!这实际上有效。唯一的问题是我们不处理n的负值。事实证明,这实际上还不错;对于有限列表,我们最终会跑到最后并达到error "Index out of range"情况,这是准确的。但是,在迭代整个列表之前失败会更好。所以:

taken :: [γ] -> Int -> γ
taken [] n = error "Index out of range"
taken (γ:γs) n
| n == 0    = γ
| n < 0     = error "Negative index"
| otherwise = taken γs (n - 1)



nth0 :: [a] -> Int -> a
nth0 (x:xs) i | i >= 1 = nth0 xs (i-1)
| i < 0 = error "Index less than zero"
| otherwise = x
nth0 [] i = error "Index too large"

所以递归部分是nth0 xs (i-1)。因此,在这里,我们在列表xs的尾部执行递归,并使用递减的索引i-1

基本情况是otherwise(在i == 0情况下触发),在这种情况下,我们返回列表的头部x

