




program example
implicit none
real(kind=8) :: temp1(3,3)
real(kind=8) :: temp2(3,3)
real(kind=8) :: temp3(3,3)
real(kind=8) :: temp4(3,3)
real(kind=8) :: temp5(3,3)
real(kind=8) :: r_PN_U(3)
call r_calc(4.2d0, &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0,      &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0,      &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0, 0d0, &
r_PN_U, &
temp1, temp1, temp1, temp1, temp1)
call r_calc(4.2d0, &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0,      &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0,      &
0d0, 0d0, &
0d0, 0d0, &
r_PN_U, &
temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5)
end program example
subroutine r_calc(rin, &
e,     ed,     &
f,     fd,     &
v,     vd,     &
vp,            &
w,     wd,     &
wp,            &
theta, thetad, &
y_pos, z_pos, &
r_PN_U, &
C_DU_theta, C_DU_beta, C_DU_zeta, C_DU, C_UD)
implicit none
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: rin
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: e,     ed
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: f,     fd
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: v,     vd
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: vp
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: w,     wd
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: wp
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: theta, thetad
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: y_pos, z_pos
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: r_PN_U(3)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: C_DU_theta(3,3)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: C_DU_beta (3,3)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: C_DU_zeta (3,3)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: C_DU      (3,3)
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: C_UD      (3,3)
real(kind=8) :: beta, zeta
beta  = -atan(wp) ! [rad], flap down angle
zeta  =  atan(vp) ! [rad], lead angle
call angle2dcm(theta, beta, zeta, C_DU_theta, C_DU_beta, C_DU_zeta, C_DU)
print *, C_DU ! gives all zero in the first call, correct values in the second call
C_UD = transpose(C_DU)
r_PN_U = [rin+e+f, v, w] + matmul(C_UD, [0d0, y_pos, z_pos])
end subroutine r_calc
subroutine angle2dcm(phi, theta, psi, C_phi, C_theta, C_psi, C_out)
implicit none
! Calculates the direction cosine matrix in psi - theta - phi (3 - 2 - 1) order
! Difference from "angle2dcm" subroutine is the extra outputs
real(kind=8), intent(in)  :: phi, theta, psi
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: C_psi(3,3), C_theta(3,3), C_phi(3,3), C_out(3,3)
C_phi(1,1:3) = [1d0,       0d0,      0d0]
C_phi(2,1:3) = [0d0,  cos(phi), sin(phi)]
C_phi(3,1:3) = [0d0, -sin(phi), cos(phi)]
C_theta(1,1:3) = [cos(theta), 0d0, -sin(theta)]
C_theta(2,1:3) = [       0d0, 1d0,         0d0]
C_theta(3,1:3) = [sin(theta), 0d0,  cos(theta)]
C_psi(1,1:3) = [ cos(psi),  sin(psi), 0d0]
C_psi(2,1:3) = [-sin(psi),  cos(psi), 0d0]
C_psi(3,1:3) = [      0d0,       0d0, 1d0]
C_out = matmul(C_phi, matmul(C_theta,C_psi)) ! psi - theta - phi (3 - 2 - 1) order
end subroutine angle2dcm


