提高在 MATLAB 中查找多项式根的精度

我有一个多项式依赖于 matlab 中的xy,当我找到不同x的根时,有时多项式中的根的替换不是几乎为零的值,有什么问题?


%// let mx and my be upper bounds to |x| and |y| respectively
nx = x / mx; %// change of variables
ny = y / my;
%// express your polynom in nx and ny and solve for them
%// let nrx and nry be a root of the polynom in the new changed variables, then:
rx = nrx * mx; %// root in original varialbes
ry = nry * my;
%// if you want to verify that the roots indeed brings your polynom to zero, you should try it in the scaled domain with rnx, rny.
