Haskell类型类的基础和"could not deduce (~) from the context (~)"错误


module Test where
class T t0 where
parent :: T t1 => t0 -> Maybe t1
children :: T t1 => t0 -> [t1]
data A = A [B]
instance T A where
parent (A _) = Nothing
children (A bs) = bs
data B = B A [C]
instance T B where
parent (B a _) = Just a
children (B _ cs) = cs
data C = C B [D]
instance T C where
parent (C b _) = Just b
children (C _ ds) = ds
data D = D C
instance T D where
parent (D c) = Just c
children (D _) = []


Could not deduce (t1 ~ B)
from the context (T t1)
bound by the type signature for children :: T t1 => A -> [t1]
at Test.hs:10:9-28
`t1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for children :: T t1 => A -> [t1]
at Test.hs:10:9
Expected type: [t1]
Actual type: [B]
In the expression: bs
In an equation for `children': children (A bs) = bs
In the instance declaration for `T A'
Could not deduce (t1 ~ A)
from the context (T t1)
bound by the type signature for parent :: T t1 => B -> Maybe t1
at Test.hs:14:9-31
`t1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for parent :: T t1 => B -> Maybe t1
at Test.hs:14:9
In the first argument of `Just', namely `a'
In the expression: Just a
In an equation for `parent': parent (B a _) = Just a
Could not deduce (t1 ~ C)
from the context (T t1)
bound by the type signature for children :: T t1 => B -> [t1]
at Test.hs:15:9-30
`t1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for children :: T t1 => B -> [t1]
at Test.hs:15:9
Expected type: [t1]
Actual type: [C]
In the expression: cs
In an equation for `children': children (B _ cs) = cs
In the instance declaration for `T B'
Could not deduce (t1 ~ B)
from the context (T t1)
bound by the type signature for parent :: T t1 => C -> Maybe t1
at Test.hs:19:9-31
`t1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for parent :: T t1 => C -> Maybe t1
at Test.hs:19:9
In the first argument of `Just', namely `b'
In the expression: Just b
In an equation for `parent': parent (C b _) = Just bv





parent :: forall t1 . T t1 => t0 -> Maybe t1


parent :: exists t1 . T t1 => t0 -> Maybe t1


  • TypeFamilies

    class T t0 where
    type Child t0 :: *
    parent :: Child t0 -> Maybe t0
    children :: t0 -> [Child t 0]
    instance T A where
    type Child A = B
    parent (A _) = Nothing
  • MultiparamTypeClasses

    class T child t0 where
    parent :: child -> Maybe t0
    children :: t0 -> [child]
    instance T A B where


至于这些扩展中哪一个"更好",你真的无法回答。MultiparamTypeClasses本身往往过于"弱",因为您需要手动修复所有涉及的类型,但可以通过添加FunctionalDependency来解决。在class T child t0 | t0 -> child的特殊情况下,这在很大程度上等同于TypeFamilies的解。但在您的情况下,class T child t0 | t0 -> child, child -> t0也是可能的。

有关详细信息,请考虑Haskell Wiki。



, DataKinds
, FunctionalDependencies
, KindSignatures
, FlexibleInstances
, UndecidableInstances
, PolyKinds
, TypeOperators
, FlexibleContexts
, TypeFamilies
-- Not all of these are needed; most are used to make the code cleaner
data Nat = Z | P Nat

Nat类型用于在类型级别上对深度进行编码。使用-XDataKinds,GHC可以采用类似Nat的简单数据类型并"提升"它;也就是说,数据构造函数变为类型,类型Nat变为"种类"(类型的类型)。CCD_ 13==零;P==加一。

type family LTEQ (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) :: Bool
type instance LTEQ Z Z = True
type instance LTEQ Z (P x) = True
type instance LTEQ (P x) Z = False
type instance LTEQ (P a) (P b) = LTEQ a b

接下来我们在CCD_ 15上定义了一个偏序。注意显式类型签名(即a :: Nat)-PolyKinds不需要这些签名,但可以更清楚地了解发生了什么。如果这看起来很困惑,可以将其视为一组规则:

0 <= 0 == True
0 <= (1 + x) == True
(1 + x) <= 0 == False
(1 + x) <= (1 + y) == x <= y


-- This would only be used for testing
data Pr p = Pr
lteq :: f ~ (a `LTEQ` b) => Pr a -> Pr b -> Pr f
lteq _ _ = Pr
>:t lteq (Pr :: Pr (P Z)) (Pr :: Pr Z)
lteq (Pr :: Pr (P Z)) (Pr :: Pr Z) :: Pr Bool 'False
>:t lteq (Pr :: Pr (P Z)) (Pr :: Pr (P Z))
lteq (Pr :: Pr (P Z)) (Pr :: Pr (P Z)) :: Pr Bool 'True
>:t lteq (Pr :: Pr (P Z)) (Pr :: Pr (P (P Z)))
lteq (Pr :: Pr (P Z)) (Pr :: Pr (P (P Z))) :: Pr Bool 'True
>:t lteq (Pr :: Pr Z) (Pr :: Pr (P (P Z)))
lteq (Pr :: Pr Z) (Pr :: Pr (P (P Z))) :: Pr Bool 'True
>:t lteq (Pr :: Pr Z) (Pr :: Pr Z)
lteq (Pr :: Pr Z) (Pr :: Pr Z) :: Pr Bool 'True

我们必须使用Pr而不是仅使用a -> b -> (LTEQ a b),因为ab是提升类型(特别是Nat类型),而(->)只采用未提升类型。如果这没有意义,不要太担心,因为这其实并不重要。只要说这里需要它就足够了。


type MAXDEPTH = P (P (P (P Z)))


data Tree d a where
D0    :: a -> Tree Z a     
DPlus :: ((P d) `LTEQ` MAXDEPTH) ~ True => a -> [Tree d a] -> Tree (P d) a 


CCD_ 30获取一个节点和子树列表。添加一个节点显然会将深度增加一个——您可以看到结果类型反映了这一点。然后,为了强制执行最大深度4,我们只说d + 1 <= MAXDEPTH


depth1 a xs = DPlus a (map D0 xs)


instance Show a => Show (Tree d a) where
show (D0 a)     = "D0 " ++ show a
show (DPlus a xs) = "DPlus " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show xs


>depth1 'c' "hello"
DPlus 'c' [D0 'h',D0 'e',D0 'l',D0 'l',D0 'o']
>DPlus 'a' [depth1 'c' "hello"]
DPlus 'a' [DPlus 'c' [D0 'h',D0 'e',D0 'l',D0 'l',D0 'o']]
>DPlus 'b' [DPlus 'a' [depth1 'c' "hello"]]
DPlus 'b' [DPlus 'a' [DPlus 'c' [D0 'h',D0 'e',D0 'l',D0 'l',D0 'o']]]
>DPlus 'c' [DPlus 'b' [DPlus 'a' [depth1 'c' "hello"]]]
DPlus 'c' [DPlus 'b' [DPlus 'a' [DPlus 'c' [D0 'h',D0 'e',D0 'l',D0 'l',D0 'o']]]]
>DPlus 'd' [DPlus 'c' [DPlus 'b' [DPlus 'a' [depth1 'c' "hello"]]]]
Couldn't match type 'False with 'True
Expected type: 'True ...


