如何使用 JavaScript 更改段落文本,具体取决于在表单中选中的单选按钮

我想实现的是有 1 个问题和 4 个可能的答案可供选择(单选按钮)。当用户按下表单后的按钮时,我希望有一个段落来告诉他们更多关于他们所做的选择。




<form action="">
  <h1>A friend invites you to a party. You...</h1>
  <br />
  <input id="red" type="radio" name="color" value="red">...bluntly tell your friend you have other priorities. <br/>
  <input id="blue" type="radio" name="color" value="blue">...tell your friend you are finishing a coding assignment tonight. <br/>
  <input id="yellow" type="radio" name="color" value="yellow">...hug your friend and start discussing the outfit. <br/>
  <input id="green" type="radio" name="color" value="green">...thank your friend for inviting you, and tell her you look forward to it. <br/>
<button> Click me </button>
  let btn = document.querySelector('button');
  let para = document.querySelector('p');
  let response = document.querySelector('input');
  response.addEventListener('change', myColor);
  function myColor() {
    let choice = response.value;
    if (choice === 'red') {
      para.textContent = 'You´re so red!';
    } else if (choice === 'blue') {
      para.textContent = 'You´re so blue!';
    } else if (choice === 'yellow') {
      para.textContent = 'You´re so yellow!';
    } else if (choice === 'green') {
      para.textContent = 'You´re so green!';




<form action="">
  <h1>A friend invites you to a party. You...</h1>
  <br />
  <input id="red" type="radio" name="color" value="red">...bluntly tell your friend you have other priorities. <br/>
  <input id="blue" type="radio" name="color" value="blue">...tell your friend you are finishing a coding assignment tonight. <br/>
  <input id="yellow" type="radio" name="color" value="yellow">...hug your friend and start discussing the outfit. <br/>
  <input id="green" type="radio" name="color" value="green">...thank your friend for inviting you, and tell her you look forward to it. <br/>
<button> Click me </button>
  const form = document.querySelector('form');
  let btn = document.querySelector('button');
  let para = document.querySelector('p');
  let response = document.querySelector('input');
  //response.addEventListener('change', myColor);
  btn.addEventListener('click', myColor);
  function myColor() {
    let choice = form.color.value;
    if (!choice) {
    if (choice === 'red') {
      para.textContent = 'You´re so red!';
    } else if (choice === 'blue') {
      para.textContent = 'You´re so blue!';
    } else if (choice === 'yellow') {
      para.textContent = 'You´re so yellow!';
    } else if (choice === 'green') {
      para.textContent = 'You´re so green!';

1)当你定义let response = document.querySelector('input');时,你需要意识到document.querySelector只给你一个匹配的HTML元素。这就解释了为什么只有第一个单选按钮才能执行任何操作。

2)如果您希望在单击按钮时发生任何事情,只需在按钮(button.addEventListener('click', myColor);)中添加一个onclick-handle

3)要在一组单选按钮中找到所选值,您需要绕道而行 - 尝试这样做(另请参阅此处): let choice = document.querySelector('input[name=color]:checked'); 选择 = 选择 &&选择.值;第一行查找名称为 color 的选定单选按钮。请注意:如果未选择无线电,这将null。第二行将变量的值替换为无线电值(如果未null)。否则,它仍将为 null,因此您可以检查} else if (choice === null) {并设置一些文本,要求用户在按下按钮之前选择颜色。

