MS 访问 - VBA - 字符串操作

我为一个 Access 数据库开发了一些代码,该代码使用如下语句操作字符串:

myString = Left(myString, somePosition) & Right(myString, someOtherPosition)

上面是一个循环的一部分,该循环具有数千次迭代,变量 myString 有数千个字符长。


我的代码需要大量时间才能运行(大约 7 分钟(,我怀疑问题可能与正在进行的繁重字符串操作有关。您能否确认 VBA 中是否有类似于 StringBuffer 的内容可以提高我的代码效率?


Function SelectColumns2(str As String, columns As String, separator As String) As String
'column_number is the number of the column we are reading when we loop through a line
'z is the counter of the field (a portion of str between two separators)
'i is the counter of the str (the position of the modified string)
Dim column_number As Integer, i As Double, z As Integer, leftPosition As Double
'stringbuilder that stores the string that will represent the final file
Dim sb As StringBuilder, leftStr As StringBuilder, rightStr As StringBuilder
Set sb = New StringBuilder
Set leftStr = New StringBuilder
Set rightStr = New StringBuilder
sb.Append str
column_number = 1
i = 1 ' full str
z = 0 ' full field
While sb.Length >= i
        z = z + 1
        If Mid(sb.Text, i, 1) = separator Then
            If InStr(1, columns, "/" & column_number & "/") = 0 Then
                leftStr.Append left(sb.Text, i - z)
                rightStr.Append right(sb.Text, sb.Length - i)
                sb.Append leftStr.Text
                sb.Append rightStr.Text
                i = i - z
            End If
            column_number = column_number + 1
            z = 0
        ElseIf Mid(sb.Text, i, 1) = Chr(10) Then
            If InStr(1, columns, "/" & column_number & "/") = 0 Then
                leftPosition = max((i - z - 1), 0)
                If leftPosition = 0 Then
                    leftStr.Append left(sb.Text, leftPosition)
                    rightStr.Append right(sb.Text, sb.Length - i)
                    sb.Append leftStr.Text
                    sb.Append rightStr.Text
                    leftStr.Append left(sb.Text, leftPosition)
                    rightStr.Append right(sb.Text, sb.Length - i + 1)
                    sb.Append leftStr.Text
                    sb.Append rightStr.Text
                End If
                i = i - z
            End If
            column_number = 1
            z = 0
        End If
        i = i + 1
SelectColumns2 = left(sb.Text, sb.Length - 1)
End Function

可以使用CreateObject创建 .Net 字符串生成器类。 请注意,您必须安装相关的 .Net 库,并且 VBA 不支持重载,因此它的处理方式与 VB.Net 中的处理方式略有不同。


Public Sub TestSB()
    Dim sb As Object
    Set sb = CreateObject("System.Text.StringBuilder")
    sb.Append_3 "Hello"
    sb.Append_3 " "
    sb.Append_3 "World"
    sb.Append_3 "!"
    Debug.Print sb.ToString
End Sub



例如,对于输入的相当大的字符串,此代码在大约 0.1 毫秒内运行:

Public Function ChopString() As String
    Dim Source      As String
    Dim LeftPart    As Long
    Dim RightPart   As Long
    Dim Result      As String
    Source = String(100000, "x")
    LeftPart = 30000
    RightPart = 40000
    Result = Space(LeftPart + RightPart)
    Mid(Result, 1) = Left(Source, LeftPart)
    Mid(Result, 1 + LeftPart) = Right(Source, RightPart)
    ChopString = Result
End Function

对于几个 K 的较小字符串,它的运行速度要快得多。
