

<div class="rf-row count-container">
<input class="sum-monthly">
<div class="sub-rf-row">
<input class="add-monthly">
<div class="sub-rf-row">
<input class="add-monthly">
<div class="sub-rf-row template">
<input class="add-monthly">

我想将每个子 rf 行(不包括模板子 rf-rows(中带有类"每月添加"的所有输入添加到 rf-row(它是父级(中的"每月总和"中。

我想在用户输入之前计算总和值(在 document.ready 上(。以及在每月添加的输入之一上的"keyup"事件上动态更新它。




function updateValues()
var sum=0;
$('.sub-rf-row:not(.template) input').each(function(){
sum+=parseInt($(this).val()=='' ? 0 : $(this).val());





 var sumInput = $('.rf-row input.sum-monthly'), 
     /* the 'sumInput' variable is the input field that will display the sum of the other inputs */
     inputs = $('.sub-rf-row:not(.template) input.add-monthly'); 
 /* the 'inputs' variable is an array containing the input fields with the class '.add-monthly' that are under '.sub-rf-row' element which doesn't have  a '.template' class */

 // Call the updateSum function to calculate the sum directly after the document has loaded.

 // Adding KeyUp event listener to the inputs
 inputs.on('keyup', updateSum);

 // Implementation of the updateSum function that will calcule the sum of the input fields.
function updateSum() {
   sum = 0;
   inputs.each(function() {
     var val = +$(this).val(); // Notice the plus sign in front of $(this).val() with we cast the input value to an integer, the val  variable could contain of value of NaN if the input value can't be casted to an input(in other words if the input value contains non-numeric characters). With that we also allow decimal numbers.
     sum += (val.toString() != 'NaN') ? val:0; // We only add valid numbers, otherwise we add 0 to the sum variable.
   sumInput.val(sum.toFixed(2).replace('.00', '')); // Assign the sum variable's value to the sumInput, allowing precision to only 2 decimal digits, and also stripping '.00' from the sum variable if it contains a natural number(like 2.00 => 2, 10.00 => 10, but any decimal number will remain the same: 2.8 => 2.80, 12.97 => 12.97).
<!-- I added some values for the input fields with '.add-monthly' class just to show that the 'updateSum' function executes when the document is loaded -->
<div class="rf-row count-container">
<input class="sum-monthly">
<div class="sub-rf-row">
           <input class="add-monthly" value="2.4">
<div class="sub-rf-row">
           <input class="add-monthly" value="8.2">
<div class="sub-rf-row template">
<input class="add-monthly">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>




<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="rf-row count-container">
<input class="sum-monthly">
<div class="sub-rf-row">
<input class="add-monthly" value="5">
<div class="sub-rf-row">
<input class="add-monthly" value="5">
<div class="sub-rf-row template">
<input class="add-monthly" value="5">
var value = 0;
$('.count-container .sub-rf-row').each(function(){
value += parseInt($(this).find('.add-monthly').val()) ? parseInt($(this).find('.add-monthly').val()) : 0

