

"19834675"; // keypc
"28374651";// keyserial
(1)sb[0]=max(keypc[0],keyserial[0])  the first element of final string
max(1,2)=2   1 is first of"19834675" , 2 is first of "28374651"
(2)sb[1]=Math.Floor((keypc[1]+keyserial[1])/3) the second element of final string  // 
(3)sb[2]= (keypc[1]+keyserial[1]) The remainder is divided by 10 
8+3=11---->1 , 8 is the third char of "19834675" and 3  the third char of "28374651"


我将以下代码用于 (1(

string keypc    ="19834675";
string keyserial="28374651";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(keypc,keypc.Length);
if (sbkeypc[0] < sbkeyserial[0])
sb[0] = sbkeyserial[0];
sb[0] = sbkeypc[0];

我的尝试(2(:问题是为什么以下代码不起作用?! 以及如何做(3(?

double inttemp=Math.Floor((Char.GetNumericValue(keypc[1])+Char.GetNumericValue(keyserial[1]))/3);
sb[1]= Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(inttemp));
Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(inttemp))); // error here --->return ""
Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); // error here: the length of sb reduced



using System;
using System.Text;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string keypc = "19834675";
string keyserial = "28374651";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(keypc, keypc.Length);
sb[0] = MinChar(keypc[0], keyserial[0]);
sb[1] = FloorChar(keypc[1], keyserial[1]);
for (int i=2; i<keypc.Length; i++)
sb[i] = RemainderChar(keypc[i], keyserial[i]);
public static char MinChar(char c1, char c2)
double val1 = Char.GetNumericValue(c1);
double val2 = Char.GetNumericValue(c2);
double val3 = Math.Min(val1, val2);
string str = val3.ToString();
return str[0];
public static char FloorChar(char c1, char c2)
double val1 = Char.GetNumericValue(c1);
double val2 = Char.GetNumericValue(c2);
double val3 = Math.Floor((val1+val2)/3);
string str = val3.ToString();
return str[0];
public static char RemainderChar(char c1, char c2)
double val1 = Char.GetNumericValue(c1);
double val2 = Char.GetNumericValue(c2);
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", val1, val2);
double val3 = (val1+val2) % 10;
Console.WriteLine("" + val3);
string str = val3.ToString();
return str[0];
