在c++ 0x中如何重载操作符来组合函数



  • 解决方案不应该包含嵌套的bind调用,
  • 左操作数可以是具有任意数量参数的函数类型,并且
  • 只能创建一个函数对象实例。


#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
// An example of a quick and dirty function composition.
// Note that instead of 'std::function' this operator should accept
// any functional/callable type (just like 'bind').
template<typename R1, typename R2, typename... ArgTypes1>
function<R2(ArgTypes1...)> operator >> (
                const function<R1(ArgTypes1...)>& f1,
                const function<R2(R1)>& f2) {
    return [=](ArgTypes1... args){ return f2(f1(args...)); };
int main(int argc, char **args) {
    auto l1 = [](int i, int j) {return i + j;};
    auto l2 = [](int i) {return i * i;};
    function<int(int, int)> f1 = l1;
    function<int(int)> f2 = l2;
    cout << "Function composition: " << (f1 >> f2)(3, 5) << endl;
    // The following is desired, but it doesn't compile as it is:
    cout << "Function composition: " << (l1 >> l2)(3, 5) << endl;
    return 0;

(l1 >> l2)不能工作


// https://ideone.com/MS2E3
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
namespace detail
    template <typename R, typename... Args>
    class composed_function;
    // utility stuff
    template <typename... Args>
    struct variadic_typedef;
    template <typename Func>
    struct callable_type_info :
    template <typename Func>
    struct callable_type_info<Func*> :
    template <typename DeducedR, typename... DeducedArgs>
    struct callable_type_info<DeducedR(DeducedArgs...)>
        typedef DeducedR return_type;
        typedef variadic_typedef<DeducedArgs...> args_type;
    template <typename O, typename DeducedR, typename... DeducedArgs>
    struct callable_type_info<DeducedR (O::*)(DeducedArgs...) const>
        typedef DeducedR return_type;
        typedef variadic_typedef<DeducedArgs...> args_type;
    template <typename DeducedR, typename... DeducedArgs>
    struct callable_type_info<std::function<DeducedR(DeducedArgs...)>>
        typedef DeducedR return_type;
        typedef variadic_typedef<DeducedArgs...> args_type;
    template <typename Func>
    struct return_type
        typedef typename callable_type_info<Func>::return_type type;
    template <typename Func>
    struct args_type
        typedef typename callable_type_info<Func>::args_type type;
    template <typename FuncR, typename... FuncArgs>
    struct composed_function_type
        typedef composed_function<FuncR, FuncArgs...> type;
    template <typename FuncR, typename... FuncArgs>
    struct composed_function_type<FuncR, variadic_typedef<FuncArgs...>> :
        composed_function_type<FuncR, FuncArgs...>
    template <typename R, typename... Args>
    class composed_function
        composed_function(std::function<R(Args...)> func) :
        template <typename... CallArgs>
        R operator()(CallArgs&&... args)
            return mFunction(std::forward<CallArgs>(args)...);
        template <typename Func>
        typename composed_function_type<
                    typename return_type<Func>::type, Args...>::type
             operator>>(Func func) /* && */ // rvalues only (unsupported for now)
            std::function<R(Args...)> thisFunc = std::move(mFunction);
            return typename composed_function_type<
                                typename return_type<Func>::type, Args...>::type(
                                        [=](Args... args)
                                            return func(thisFunc(args...));
        std::function<R(Args...)> mFunction;
template <typename Func>
typename detail::composed_function_type<
            typename detail::return_type<Func>::type,
                typename detail::args_type<Func>::type>::type
    compose(Func func)
    return typename detail::composed_function_type<
                        typename detail::return_type<Func>::type,
                            typename detail::args_type<Func>::type>::type(func);
int main()
    using namespace std;
    auto l1 = [](int i, int j) {return i + j;};
    auto l2 = [](int i) {return i * i;};
    std:function<int(int, int)> f1 = l1;
    function<int(int)> f2 = l2;
    cout << "Function composition: " << (compose(f1) >> f2)(3, 5) << endl;
    cout << "Function composition: " << (compose(l1) >> l2)(3, 5) << endl;
    cout << "Function composition: " << (compose(f1) >> l2)(3, 5) << endl;
    cout << "Function composition: " << (compose(l1) >> f2)(3, 5) << endl;
    return 0;


你可以走另一条路,在你的方案中使用lambda,你只需要显式地使它们成为std::function<> s,但它不那么统一。上面的一些机制可以用来创建某种to_function()函数,将lambda函数转换为std::function<> s。


#include <iostream>
template <class LAMBDA, class ARG>
auto apply(LAMBDA&& l, ARG&& arg) -> decltype(l(arg))
  return l(arg);
template <class LAMBDA1, class LAMBDA2>
class compose_class
  LAMBDA1 l1;
  LAMBDA2 l2;
  template <class ARG>
  auto operator()(ARG&& arg) -> 
    decltype(apply(l2, apply(l1, std::forward<ARG>(arg))))
  { return apply(l2, apply(l1, std::forward<ARG>(arg))); }
  compose_class(LAMBDA1&& l1, LAMBDA2&& l2) 
    : l1(std::forward<LAMBDA1>(l1)), l2(std::forward<LAMBDA2>(l2)) {}
template <class LAMBDA1, class LAMBDA2>
auto operator>>(LAMBDA1&& l1, LAMBDA2&& l2) -> compose_class<LAMBDA1, LAMBDA2>
  return compose_class<LAMBDA1, LAMBDA2>
    (std::forward<LAMBDA1>(l1), std::forward<LAMBDA2>(l2));
int main()
  auto l1 = [](int i) { return i + 2; };
  auto l2 = [](int i) { return i * i; };
  std::cout << (l1 >> l2)(3) << std::endl;


虽然GMan注意到l1 >> l2永远不会起作用,但类似的东西确实起作用,甚至产生了一些漂亮的结果。将以下内容添加到他的代码中:

class compose_syntax_helper_middle
} o;
template <typename Func>
typename detail::composed_function_type<
typename detail::return_type<Func>::type,
    typename detail::args_type<Func>::type>::type
    operator<< (Func func, compose_syntax_helper_middle)
    return typename detail::composed_function_type<
        typename detail::return_type<Func>::type,
                 typename detail::args_type<Func>::type>::type(func);


(func1 <<o>> func2) (arg1, arg2)

<< >>操作符被解释为一种引号,o是一种函数组合圈的东西…


#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
template <typename F, typename F_ret, typename... F_args,
          typename G, typename G_ret, typename... G_args>
std::function<G_ret (F_args...)>
     composer(F f, F_ret (F::*)(F_args...) const ,
              G g, G_ret (G::*)(G_args...) const)
  // Cannot create and return a lambda. So using std::function as a lambda holder.
  std::function<G_ret (F_args...)> holder;
  holder = [f, g](F_args... args) { return g(f(args...)); };
  return holder;
template<typename F, typename G>
auto operator >> (F f, G g)
  -> decltype(composer(f, &F::operator(), g, &G::operator()))
  return composer(f, &F::operator(), g, &G::operator());
int main(void)
  auto l1 = [](int i , int j) { return i + j; };
  auto l2 = [](int a) { return a*a; };
  printf("%dn", (l1 >> l2 >> l2)(2, 3)); // prints 625
  return 0;

#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
template <typename F, typename F_ret, typename... F_args, 
          typename G, typename G_ret, typename... G_args> 
std::function<G_ret (F_args...)>
     composer(F f, F_ret (F::*)(F_args...) const , 
              G g, G_ret (G::*)(G_args...) const)
  // Cannot create and return a lambda. So using std::function as a lambda holder.
  std::function<G_ret (F_args...)> holder;
  holder = [f, g](F_args... args) { return g(f(args...)); };  
  return holder;
template<typename F_ret, typename... F_args>
std::function<F_ret (F_args...)> 
make_function (F_ret (*f)(F_args...))
  // Not sure why this helper isn't available out of the box.
  return f;
template<typename F, typename F_ret, typename... F_args>
std::function<F_ret (F_args...)>
make_function (F_ret (F::*func)(F_args...), F & obj)
  // Composing a member function pointer and an object.  
  // This one is probably doable without using a lambda. 
  std::function<F_ret (F_args...)> holder;
  holder = [func, &obj](F_args... args) { return (obj.*func)(args...); };  
  return holder;
template<typename F, typename F_ret, typename... F_args>
std::function<F_ret (F_args...)>
make_function (F_ret (F::*func)(F_args...) const, F const & obj)
  // Composing a const member function pointer and a const object.  
  // This one is probably doable without using a lambda. 
  std::function<F_ret (F_args...)> holder;
  holder = [func, &obj](F_args... args) { return (obj.*func)(args...); };  
  return holder;
template<typename F, typename G>
auto operator >> (F f, G g)
  -> decltype(composer(f, &F::operator(), g, &G::operator())) 
  return composer(f, &F::operator(), g, &G::operator()); 
// This one allows a free function pointer to be the second parameter 
template<typename F, typename G_ret, typename... G_args>
auto operator >> (F f, G_ret (*g)(G_args...))
  -> decltype(f >> make_function(g)) 
  return f >> make_function(g); 
// This one allows a free function pointer to be the first parameter 
template<typename F, typename G_ret, typename... G_args>
auto operator >> (G_ret (*g)(G_args...), F f)
  -> decltype(make_function(g) >> f) 
  return make_function(g) >> f; 
// Not possible to have function pointers on both sides of the binary operator >>
int increment(int i) {
  return i+1;
int sum(int i, int j) {
  return i+j;
struct math {
  int increment (int i) {
    return i+1;
  int sum (int i, int j) const {
    return i+j;
int main(void)
  auto l1 = [](int i , int j) { return i + j; };
  auto l2 = [](int a) { return a*a; };
  auto l3 = l1 >> l2 >> l2 >> increment; // does 11 allocs on Linux
  printf("%dn", l3(2, 3));              // prints 626
  printf("%dn", (sum >> l2)(3, 3));     // prints 36
  math m;
   (make_function(&math::sum, m) >> make_function(&math::increment, m))(2, 3)); // prints 6

  return 0;

如果您想接受任何类型的函数对象,您的operator >>应该接受大多数一般类型。

 template<typename F, typename G>
 class compose {...}
 template<typename f, typename g>
 compose <F, G> operator >> (F f, G g)
 { return compose<F, G>(f, g); }


UPD:显然,c++在将operator >>应用于内置函数类型时不高兴。这不是一个大问题,语法可以稍加修改。更大的问题是,g++-4.6.0(我目前拥有的唯一支持部分c++0x的编译器)似乎无法处理实现这一功能所需的语言特性。它给了我一些非常奇怪的错误,有时是内部编译器错误。我将尝试升级到4.6.1,看看会发生什么。
