


Country     GNI2009           
Ukraine     6604
Egypt       5937
Morocco     5307
Philippines 4707
Indonesia   4148
India       3677
Viet Nam    3180
Pakistan    2760
Nigeria     2699


GNI2004 s1  s2  s3  s4
6649    295 33  59  3
6021    260 30  50  3
5418    226 27  42  2
4846    193 23  35  2
4311    162 20  29  2
3813    134 16  23  1
3356    109 13  19  1
2976    89  10  15  1
2578    68  7   11  0
2248    51  5   8   0
2199    48  5   8   0


例如:数据集a中具有GNI2009 of 2698Nigeria将返回:

GNI2004 s1  s2  s3  s4
2976    89  10  15  1

在Excel中,我想这将类似于Index and Match,其中匹配条件为match(look up value, look uparray,-1)


library(data.table) # V1.9.6+
indx <- setDT(DataB)[setDT(DataA), roll = -Inf, on = c(GNI2004 = "GNI2009"), which = TRUE]
DataA[, names(DataB) := DataB[indx]]
#        Country GNI2009 GNI2004  s1 s2 s3 s4
# 1:     Ukraine    6604    6649 295 33 59  3
# 2:       Egypt    5937    6021 260 30 50  3
# 3:     Morocco    5307    5418 226 27 42  2
# 4: Philippines    4707    4846 193 23 35  2
# 5:   Indonesia    4148    4311 162 20 29  2
# 6:       India    3677    3813 134 16 23  1
# 7:    Viet Nam    3180    3356 109 13 19  1
# 8:    Pakistan    2760    2976  89 10 15  1
# 9:     Nigeria    2699    2976  89 10 15  1


