CA2122 : Microsoft.安全性 : 'User.EmployeeId.get()'呼叫进入'PropertyValueCollection.Value.get()'

 Warning    76  CA2122 : Microsoft.Security : 'User.EmployeeId.get()' calls into 'PropertyValueCollection.Value.get()' which has a LinkDemand. By making this call, 'PropertyValueCollection.Value.get()' is indirectly exposed to user code. Review the following call stack that might expose a way to circumvent security protection: 

->'User.EmployeeId.get()' ->'User.EmployeeId.get()' C:\WiproDaas\WiproDaas\DirectoryService\User.cs 105 DirectoryService

 public string EmployeeId
        get { return this["employeeID"].Value as string; }
        set { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) this["employeeID"].Value = value; }


这是一个信任问题。尝试将以下属性添加到 EmployeeId:

[EnvironmentPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
