在 Access 2013 中使用 DLL - 如何使 DLL 类的调用/初始化更容易

对于一个项目,我正在尝试创建一个用 C# 创建并在 Access 中使用的自定义库。为此,我做了以下工作:

  • 在Visual Studio 2012中创建了一个类库,
  • 使程序集 COM 可见(在项目属性 -->程序集信息中),
  • 已注册 COM 互操作的项目,
  • 包括using System.Runtime.InteropServices;在我的班级里。


[Serializable(), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual), ComVisible(true)]
public class SendOPSMail
    public void SendMail(string ToAddress, string Subject, string Body, string FromAddress, ref string[] attachments, string CCAddress = "", string BCCAddress = "")
                //Check if attachment is null or not else assign empty value
                attachments = attachments ?? new string[0]; //after research it seems that I cant assign a NULL array in VBA/DLL and need to be passed by ref - so this can be deleted

                using (var msg = new MailMessage())
                using (var client = new SmtpClient("spamfilter.mySpamFilter.com", 587))
                    msg.IsBodyHtml = true; 
                    msg.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                    msg.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FromAddress))
                        msg.From = new MailAddress(FromAddress);
                    string[] splitTO = ToAddress.Split(delimiterChars);
                    foreach (var TO in splitTO)
                        msg.To.Add(new MailAddress(TO));
                    //handle attachments
                    foreach (string value in bijlagen)
                        msg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(value));
                    //set the remaining required fields
                    msg.Body = Body;
                    msg.Subject = Subject;
                    //Send mail


我将 DLL 包含在我的 Access 引用中,这很好。虽然当我尝试按如下方式调用我的类时:

Dim test As OPS2Mail.SendOPSMail
Set test = New OPS2Mail.SendOPSMail
test.SendMail "some@email.com", "Test", "<b>Test</b>", "some@email.com", AttachmentArray

我收到(访问/VBA)错误438, the property or method is not supported for this object.

因此,经过研究,我发现了一个帖子,他们说我必须在DLL中创建一个主类,该类使用函数(SendOPSMail)调用该类,然后在VBA中,我首先初始化该主类以调用另一个类。因此,在 DLL 代码中,我添加了:

public class MainOPSMail
        public SendOPSMail GetSendOPSMail()
            return new SendOPSMail();

在 VBA/Access 中,我将其更改为:

Dim testMain As OPS2Mail.MainOPSMail
Set testMain = New OPS2Mail.MainOPSMail
Dim test as OPS2Mail.SendOPSMail
set test = testMain.GetSendOPSMail
test.SendMail "some@email.com", "Test", "<b>Test</b>", "some@email.com", AttachmentArray


抱歉,如果帖子包含大量愚蠢的问题,但我对此有点陌生,尤其是对 DLL 的问题。

在这里阅读了一些内容后: http://jumbloid.blogspot.nl/2009/12/making-net-dll-com-visible.html 我发现我可以使用public interface轻松调用我的 DLL 类。


public interface ISendMail
        void SendMail(string ToAddress, string Subject, string Body, string FromAddress, ref string[] attachments, string CCAddress = "", string BCCAddress = "");

我在我的类中添加了一个默认构造函数:public SendOPSMail() { }

我的类继承自创建的接口:public class SendOPSMail : ISendMail

现在我可以轻松地像这样调用 VBA 中的方法/类:

Dim test As OPS2Mail.SendOPSMail
Set test = New OPS2Mail.SendOPSMail
