Find ArrayList方法到Find Array方法


public Product findProduct(String givenProduct) throws IllegalProductCodeException {
            IllegalProductCodeException notFoundMessage
                    = new IllegalProductCodeException("Product was not found");
            int size = rangeOfProducts.length;
            int i = 0;
            boolean productFound = false;
            while (!productFound && i < size) {         //While book hasn't been found and i is less than the size of the array
                productFound = rangeOfProducts.get(i).getProductCode().equals(givenProduct);
                //Checks whether the given value in the array's reference is equal to the given reference entered
                i++; //if not then add 1
            if (productFound) {
                return rangeOfProducts.get(i - 1);
            } else {
                throw notFoundMessage;


for (Product product : products) {
  if (product.getProductCode().equals(givenProduct)) {
    return product;
throw new IllegalProductCodeException("Product was not found");

编辑:Java 5增强的for循环相当于

for (Iterator<Product> iter=products.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
  Product product =;
