在 PHP 中将 XML 值和属性替换为 JSON 文件

我正在尝试更改 xml 文件。示例文件如下所示

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<tableLoc id="ABC01_SITE_TABLE" version="14"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC01" version="7"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC02" version="7"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC03" version="7"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC04" version="7"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC17" version="7"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC19" version="9"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC18" version="9"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC15" version="7"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC09" version="7"/>
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC011" version="7"/>

首先,我需要将 2 个标识符的标签值从



成功了。然后我不得不更改 的属性

<tableLoc id="ABC01_SITE_TABLE" version="14"/>

<tableLoc id="NDW_01_MT" version="14"/>

最后,我需要用 JSON 文件中的相应 ID 覆盖所有 Siteloc 属性版本:

"ABC01": {
"ABC01_ABC01": 9,
"ABC01_ABC02": 7,
"ABC01_ABC03": 4,
"ABC01_ABC04": 1,
"ABC01_ABC05": 2,
"ABC01_ABC06": 16,
"ABC01_ABC07": 3,
"ABC01_ABC08": 8,
"ABC01_ABC09": 7,
"ABC01_ABC10": 6,
"ABC01_ABC11": 4,
"ABC01_ABC12": 3,
"ABC01_ABC13": 2,
"ABC01_ABC14": 2,
"ABC01_ABC15": 2,
"ABC01_ABC16": 3,
"ABC01_ABC17": 5,
"ABC01_ABC18": 5,
"ABC01_ABC19": 2,
"ABC01_ABC20": 3,
"ABC01_ABC21": 5,
"ABC01_ABC22": 39,
"ABC01_ABC23": 23,
"ABC01_ABC24": 13,
"ABC01_ABC25": 1,
"ABC01_ABC26": 1,
"ABC01_ABC27": 3
"ABC02": {
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2,
"ABC02_ABC02": 3,
"ABC02_ABC02": 2
"VWY09": {
"VWY09_VWY10": 1,
"VWY09_VWY11": 1,
"VWY09_VWY12": 1,
"VWY09_VWY13": 1,
"VWY09_VWY14": 1,
"VWY09_VWY15": 1,
"VWY09_VWY16": 1,
"VWY09_VWY17": 1,
"VWY09_VWY18": 1,
"VWY09_VWY19": 1
"GAD02": {
"GAD02_XRZ01": 2,
"GAD02_XRZ02": 2,
"GAD02_XRZ03": 2,
"GAD02_XRZ04": 2,
"GAD02_XRZ05": 2,
"GAD02_XRZ06": 2,
"GAD02_XRZ07": 2,
"GAD02_XRZ08": 2


<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC03" version="7"/>


<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC03" version="4"/>


$identification = new DomDocument;
$identification2 = new DomDocument;
$identification3 = new DomDocument;
$identification_node = $identification ->createElement('identification');
$identification_node2 = $identification2  ->createElement('publicationCreator');
$identification_node3 = $identification3 ->createElement('tableLoc');
// Add some children
$identification_node->appendChild($identification->createElement('country', 'nl'));
$identification_node->appendChild($identification->createElement('identifier', 'NLNDW'));
$identification_node2->appendChild($identification2->createElement('identifier     ', 'NLNDW'));
$newnode3 = $identification3->appendChild($identification_node3);
$newnode3->setAttribute("align", "left");
$dom = new DomDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
$xpath1 = new DOMXpath($dom);
$xpath2 = new DOMXpath($dom);

$nodelist = $xpath->query('/country/display/identification');
$nodelist1 = $xpath1->query('/country/region/publicationCreator');
$oldnode = $nodelist->item(0);
$oldnode1 = $nodelist1->item(0);
$newnode = $dom->importNode($identification->documentElement, true);
$newnode1 = $dom->importNode($identification2->documentElement, true);
$oldnode->parentNode->replaceChild($newnode, $oldnode);
$oldnode1->parentNode->replaceChild($newnode1, $oldnode1);
echo $dom->saveXML($dom);

我知道如何遍历 xml,但我不知道如何在 json 文件中找到匹配的 siteloc id 属性并用 json 中的版本覆盖 siteloc 版本属性。


为什么要创建 4 个不同的 DOM 文档?要替换数据,您只需要一个,加载原始数据并替换它。

$document = new DOMDocument();
// load the original data
$xpath = new DOMXpath($document);
// iterate any "identifier" element node
foreach ($xpath->evaluate('//identifier') as $identifier) {
// change its content
$identifier->textContent = 'NLNDW';
// iterate any "id" attribute of an "tableLoc" node 
foreach ($xpath->evaluate('//tableLoc/@id') as $tableLocId) {
// change its value
$tableLocId->value = 'NDW_01_MT';
// decode json, force arrays
$map = json_decode($json, TRUE);
// iterate any "siteLoc" element node in the document
foreach ($xpath->evaluate('//siteLoc[@id]') as $siteLocation) {
// read the "id"attribute
$id = $siteLocation->getAttribute('id');
// the json seems to be grouped by the first part
$groupId = strstr($id, '_', TRUE);
// check if here is a new value
if (isset($map[$groupId][$id])) {
// change the version attribute
$siteLocation->setAttribute('version', $map[$groupId][$id]);
// output/save the modified document
echo $document->saveXml();

考虑 XSLT,这是一种特殊用途的语言,旨在转换 XML 文件,例如替换节点和属性文本。PHP 可以使用其 php-xsl 类运行 XSLT 1.0 脚本,这需要在.ini文件中启用扩展名。

但是,首先需要将相对扁平的 JSON 转换为 PHP 可以构建的 XML,然后 XSLT 脚本将递归引用以使用document()函数跨文档映射所需的站点位置值。请务必将两个 XML 文件(原始源文件和 json 转换文件(保存在同一目录中。

PHP (JSON 转换后的 XML;仅在使用循环的地方(

$data = json_decode($site_json, TRUE);
// Create a DOM document 
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$dom->formatOutput = true;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
// Create the root element of XML tree
$root = $dom->createElement("site_locations");
$root = $dom->appendChild($root);
// Iterate json elements for child nodes
foreach ($data as $outer) {      
foreach ($outer as $k=>$v) {  
$node = $dom->createElement('site');
$node->setAttribute("id", $k);
$node->setAttribute("version", $v);
// Output XML content to screen
echo $dom->saveXML();
// <?xml version="1.0"?>
// <site_locations>
//   <site id="ABC01_ABC01" version="9"/>
//   <site id="ABC01_ABC02" version="7"/>
//   <site id="ABC01_ABC03" version="4"/>
//   <site id="ABC01_ABC04" version="1"/>
//   <site id="ABC01_ABC05" version="2"/>
//   <site id="ABC01_ABC06" version="16"/>
//   ...
// Output XML content to file
file_put_contents("SiteLocationsLookups.xml", $dom->saveXML());

XSLT 脚本(另存为 .xsl 文件,一个特殊的.xml文件(

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output indent="yes"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:template match="@*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="identifier">
<xsl:template match="tableLoc">
<xsl:attribute name="id">NDW_01_MT</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:copy-of select="@version"/>
<xsl:template match="siteLoc">
<xsl:variable name="curr_id"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:variable>
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
<xsl:attribute name="version">
<xsl:value-of select="document('SiteLocationsLookups.xml')//site[@id=$curr_id]/@version"/>


// Load XML and XSLT files
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xsl = new DOMDocument;
$xsl->load('XSLT_Script.xsl');              // REFERENCES JSON CONVERTED XML
// Configure the transformer
$proc = new XSLTProcessor;
// Transform XML source
$newXml = $proc->transformToXML($doc);
// Save output to file
file_put_contents('Output.xml', $newXml);

XML 输出

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<tableLoc id="NDW_01_MT" version="14" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC01" version="9" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC02" version="7" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC03" version="4" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC04" version="1" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC17" version="5" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC19" version="2" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC18" version="5" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC15" version="2" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC09" version="7" />
<siteLoc id="ABC01_ABC011" version="" />


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