Zend Element-如何禁用特定的选择/下拉列表


class Application_Form_Element_BranchDropdownDisabled extends Zend_Form_Element_Select {
    public function init() {
        $branch = new Application_Model_DbTable_Branch();
        $this->addMultiOption(0, ' ');
        foreach ($branch->fetchAll() as $branch) {
                $this->addMultiOption($branch['branch_id'], $branch['branch_name']);
                //i want to add multioption but disabled
Both ZF! and Zf2 doesn't provide a way to disable specific option on select/dropdown list. So you have to do it using javascript. So add a class to disabled options and disable it by js.
  <option value="Opt 1">Opt 1</option>
  <option class="disabledOption" value="Disabled value">Disabled option</option>
$(".disabledOption").attr("disabled", "disabled");
