用于在 R 中对因子类别进行多标签格式化的函数



在 SAS 中,可以为列分配multilabel格式,这样可以允许在procedure steps期间同时汇总各种重叠的类别。我一直在努力在 R 中找到一个令人满意的解决方案来复制 SAS 的此功能。我知道链接在一起的dplyrbase函数的组合可以制表和附加不同的组合,从而有效地创建一个数据集,该数据集复制表示所有重叠级别所需的行。



# Example data (Repeat groups)
exampleData <- tibble(group = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3),
condition = factor(c('A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'Q'), ordered = F))
# Initial output
# A tibble: 6 x 2
group condition
<dbl> <fct>    
1     1 A        
2     1 B        
3     1 C        
4     2 A        
5     3 B        
6     3 Q  

# Function to add new level combinations, based upon the levels within each group.
create_multilevelFactor(exampleData , target_col = 'condition', group_col = 'group', new_levels = list('AB' = c('A', 'B'), 'QB' = c('Q', 'B')))
# Desired output
# A tibble: 8 x 3
group condition track_col
<dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
1     1 A                 1
2     1 B                 1
3     1 C                 1
4     2 A                 1
5     3 B                 1
6     3 Q                 1
7     1 AB                2
8     3 QB                3






此函数将接收初始数据集,并根据是否提供了分组函数,它将创建一个新数据集,其中包含用于聚合因子水平的各种组合的附加行(如果这些水平存在于分组中(。 可以以列表形式提供各种新级别,并且附加列可以轻松查看除了原始行之外还添加了哪些新级别。

# Create function for multilevel labelling of factor groups #
# target_col is a character string for the column of interest to be adjusted
# group_col is a character string for the column to check levels that exist within groupings
# new_levels is a list that uses name and value pairs to determine how new levels should be aggregated
# collapse will ensure that only unique combinations of the new level is appended
# track will add a flag to ensure one can easily see the new combinations that were appended
create_multilevelFactor <- function(data, target_col, new_levels , group_col, collapse = T, track = T) {
#  Do some basic checks on inputs
# Check if new_levels is provided as a list
if(!is.list(new_levels)) stop('The provided set of levels is not in a list format, please provide as a list') 
# Check if target_col is a factor
if(!is.factor(data[[target_col]])) stop('The target column for multiple levels is not a factor, convert to a factor before proceeding.')
# Check if levels are in list
for(i in 1:length(new_levels)) {
levels(factor(data[[target_col]])))) > 0) { # If levels in provided list contain a level not in the column, then throw error
stop('Levels in list do not match the levels in the target column')
# State if grouping col was provided and its purpose
if(!missing(group_col)) { message(paste0('The following column is used as a grouping variable for summarizing multilevel factoring: ',
group_col, '. If you do not want labels determined by those within groupings, leave argument blank.'))
# Main 
# Set new column for tracking if desired
if(track == T) {track_col <- rep(NA,nrow(data)); data$track_col <- 1;  trackColIndex <- 1;}
OutData <- as.data.frame(NULL) # Empy data frame to fill and append later
# Loop for all new levels of interest to add
for(i in 1:length(new_levels)){
tempData <- data # Look at fresh data every pass
levelIndex <- which(levels(tempData[[target_col]]) %in% new_levels [[i]]) # Index of matches
# If grouping provided, do necessary splits and rbinds
if(!missing(group_col)) {
tempData <- split(tempData, tempData[[group_col]]) # Split if there are groupings
tempData <- lapply(tempData, function(x) {
if(!(length(setdiff(levels(factor(new_levels [[i]])), levels(factor(x[[target_col]])))) > 0)) { # If the grouping does not have all the levels for the new grouping, then do nothing
levels(x[[target_col]])[levelIndex] <- names(new_levels )[i]
tempData <- do.call(rbind, tempData)  # If didnt match necessary group conditions, will bring back empty
rownames(tempData) <- NULL # Correct row names for tibble
} else { # If not grouping
levels(tempData[[target_col]])[levelIndex] <- names(new_levels )[i]
tempData <- tempData[tempData[[target_col]] %in% names(new_levels )[i],] # Only keep new factor levels (could be empty if no group matches)
if(collapse == T) tempData <- unique(tempData[(tempData[[target_col]] %in% names(new_levels )[i]),]) # Collapse to unique combinations if desired
if(track == T){track_col <- rep(NA, nrow(tempData));  tempData$track_col <- trackColIndex+1;  trackColIndex <- trackColIndex+1;} # Add track column to the new rows
OutData <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(OutData, tempData)) # Append all the new rows
# Append new rows to the original rows
OutData <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(data, OutData)) #


#Original data
# Example data (Repeat groups)
exampleData <- tibble(group = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3),
condition = factor(c('A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'Q'), ordered = F))
# Original data
# A tibble: 6 x 2
group condition
<dbl> <fct>    
1     1 A        
2     1 B        
3     1 C        
4     2 A        
5     3 B        
6     3 Q 
newData <- create_multilevelFactor(exampleData,
target_col = 'condition',
group_col = 'group',
new_levels = list('AB' = c('A', 'B'), 'QB' = c('Q', 'B')),
collapse = T, track = T)
# Data with grouping argument
# A tibble: 8 x 3
group condition track_col
<dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
1     1 A                 1
2     1 B                 1
3     1 C                 1
4     2 A                 1
5     3 B                 1
6     3 Q                 1
7     1 AB                2
8     3 QB                3
1   1  1 1 1 0  0   4
2   1  0 0 0 0  0   1
3   0  0 1 0 1  1   3
Sum 2  1 2 1 1  1   8
newData <- create_multilevelFactor(exampleData,
target_col = 'condition',
new_levels = list('AB' = c('A', 'B'), 'QB' = c('Q', 'B')),
collapse = T, track = T)
# Without grouping argument
# A tibble: 11 x 3
group condition track_col
<dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
1     1 A                 1
2     1 B                 1
3     1 C                 1
4     2 A                 1
5     3 B                 1
6     3 Q                 1
7     1 AB                2
8     2 AB                2
9     3 AB                2
10     1 QB                3
11     3 QB                3
newData <- create_multilevelFactor(exampleData,
target_col = 'condition',
new_levels = list('AB' = c('A', 'B'), 'QB' = c('Q', 'B')),
collapse = F, track = T)
# Without collapse and grouping argument
# A tibble: 13 x 3
group condition track_col
<dbl> <chr>         <dbl>
1     1 A                 1
2     1 B                 1
3     1 C                 1
4     2 A                 1
5     3 B                 1
6     3 Q                 1
7     1 AB                2
8     1 AB                2
9     2 AB                2
10     3 AB                2
11     1 QB                3
12     3 QB                3
13     3 QB                3
