static void Encode ()
string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; // declaring alphabet
string strROT13 = "nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM"; // declaring alphabet using the ROT13 system
Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the file you would like to encode (.txt, .bat, etc): "); // prompts user to read in file
string inputFile = Console.ReadLine();
if (!File.Exists(inputFile)) { // test to see if file is found
Console.WriteLine("File not found, please try again.");
Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the file you would like to save to (.txt, .bat, etc): "); // asks user where to save translated file
string outputFile = Console.ReadLine();
StreamReader input = new StreamReader(inputFile); // reads file
StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(outputFile); // writes file
string str = ""; // reading file line by line
while ((str = input.ReadLine()) != null) // reads entire file
string encoded = "";
int length = str.Length;
if (length > 0)
foreach (char character in str) // takes each character from the line
if (character == ' ') // if a space in file, left unchanged
encoded += ' ';
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) // if character in array, then encoded
if (character == alphabet[i])
encoded += strROT13[i];
output.WriteLine(encoded); // writes encoded string to the new file
Console.WriteLine("The file was successfully encoded.");
foreach (char character in str) // takes each character from the line
bool characterFound = false;
for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.Length; i++) // if character in array, then encoded
if (character == alphabet[i])
encoded += strROT13[i]; // add the encoded character
characterFound = true; // set our variable to indicate it was found
break; // break out of the for loop early
} // since there's no need to keep searching
// If this character was not found in alphabet, just add it as-is
if (!characterFound)
encoded += character;
foreach (char character in str) // takes each character from the line
if (alphabet.ToCharArray().Contains(character))
encoded += strROT13[Array.IndexOf(alphabet.ToCharArray(), character)];
encoded += character;