"Android SDK command adb : Not found"

我已经安装了Ruboto Gem并一直在关注他们的wiki如何继续;但是每次运行ruboto setup命令时,我都会收到此提示:

Java runtime             : Found
Java Compiler            : Found
Apache ANT               : Found
Android Package Installer: Found
Android Emulator         : Found
Android SDK Command adb  : Not found
Android SDK Command dx   : Found
Platform SDK android-10  : Found
    !!! Ruboto setup is NOT OK !!!
Java runtime             : Found
Java Compiler            : Found
Apache ANT               : Found
Android Package Installer: Found
Android Emulator         : Found
Android SDK Command adb  : Not found
Android SDK Command dx   : Found
Platform SDK android-10  : Found
    !!! Ruboto setup is NOT OK !!!
Android tools not found.
Would you like to download and install it? (Y/n):

即使按照下载和安装进行操作,问题仍然存在。我之前在dx上遇到了类似的问题,我在 PATH 中解决了它;但是这个在其他地方没有解决方案。


重新下载Android SDK,您会在以下位置找到该文件:

$ sg552@youku:/sg552/adt-bundle-linux-x86-20130522/sdk$ ls build-tools/android-4.2.2/
$ aapt  aidl  dexdump  dx  lib  llvm-rs-cc  NOTICE.txt  renderscript  source.properties


# your ~/.bashrc file or ~/.bash_profile : 
