PHP 未定义的偏移量:5 行 [文件位置] - 不重复,因为另一个的答案不回答


$bits = array();//bits is the array that I use to hold the array that explodes each line
$explParts = array();   
$parts = NULL;//variable that holds the 6 item in array (0 index so later i use parts[5])
$articleCount = 0;//variable that holds the counter for article
foreach ($files as $dataz) { //loop that goes through all files in folder
    $handle = fopen('data/'.$dataz, 'r');//open the first file, and second after it finished the first
    while (!feof($handle)){//while not end of file {do}
    $newLine = fgets($handle);//$newLine holds the *(1,2,3) line;                   
    $bits = explode(" ", $newLine);//$bits hold the array that is created after the explosion of first line
    //print_r(array_values($bits));//uncomment this if you want to see what are the values inside bits;
    $parts = $bits[5];//$parts is the variables that holds the 6th item in the $bits array
    $explParts = explode("/", $parts); //$explParts is the array that holds the items from parts that are exploded
    $findArticle = $explParts[0];//$findArticle holds the 1st ideam in $explPart array.
    $findArticle = trim($findArticle);//trimmed the value so spaces are deleted.
    if ($findArticle == "articles") {//if what's inside $findArticle == "articles", add 1 to the counter
echo '<p> The number of requests from the articles directory is: '.$articleCount.'</p>'; //displays the total number of request from the articles directory                 
fclose($handle);//close $handle


Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in /home/otoma01/public_www/p1tma/trytask2.php on line 38 
Call Stack: 0.0011 332600 1. {main}() /home/otoma01/public_www/p1tma/trytask2.php:0 
Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in /home/otoma01/public_www/p1tma/trytask2.php on line 38
Call Stack: 0.0011 332600 1. {main}() /home/otoma01/public_www/p1tma/trytask2.php:0
Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in /home/otoma01/public_www/p1tma/trytask2.php on line 38
Call Stack: 0.0011 332600 1. {main}() /home/otoma01/public_www/p1tma/trytask2.php:0
Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in /home/otoma01/public_www/p1tma/trytask2.php on line 38
Call Stack: 0.0011 332600 1. {main}() /home/otoma01/public_www/p1tma/trytask2.php:0




$bits = array();
$articleCount = 0;  
foreach ($files as $dataz) {
    $handle = fopen('data/'.$dataz, 'r');
        while (!feof($handle)){
        $newLine = fgets($handle);                  
        $bits = explode(" ", $newLine);
        if (empty($newLine)) {
        $parts = $bits[5];
        $explParts = explode("/", $parts);
        $findArticle = $explParts[0];
        $findArticle = trim($findArticle);
        if ($findArticle == "articles") {
echo '<p> The number of requests from the articles directory is: '.$articleCount.'</p>';                

