SAT java implementation


import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class SAT
    public static boolean SAT(Polygon p1, Polygon p2)
        ArrayList<Vector> normals = new ArrayList<Vector>();
        //recover normal vectors for p1 and p2
        for (int i = 0; i < p1.getPointCount(); i++)
            if (i < p1.getPointCount() - 1)
                float x = p1.getPoint(i + 1).x + p1.getPosition().x - p1.getPoint(i).x + p1.getPosition().x;
                float y = p1.getPoint(i + 1).y + p1.getPosition().y - p1.getPoint(i).y + p1.getPosition().y;
                normals.add(new Vector(x, y).getNormalVectorLeft());
                float x = p1.getPoint(0).x + p1.getPosition().x - p1.getPoint(i).x + p1.getPosition().x;
                float y = p1.getPoint(0).y + p1.getPosition().y - p1.getPoint(i).y + p1.getPosition().y;
                normals.add(new Vector(x, y).getNormalVectorLeft());
        for (int i = 0; i < p2.getPointCount(); i++)
            if (i < p2.getPointCount() - 1)
                float x = p2.getPoint(i + 1).x + p2.getPosition().x - p2.getPoint(i).x + p2.getPosition().x;
                float y = p2.getPoint(i + 1).y + p2.getPosition().y - p2.getPoint(i).y + p2.getPosition().y;
                normals.add(new Vector(x, y).getNormalVectorLeft());
                float x = p2.getPoint(0).x + p2.getPosition().x - p2.getPoint(i).x + p2.getPosition().x;
                float y = p2.getPoint(0).y + p2.getPosition().y - p2.getPoint(i).y + p2.getPosition().y;
                normals.add(new Vector(x, y).getNormalVectorLeft());
        //project points of p1 and p2 on each normal vector until a gap is found
        for (int n = 0; n < normals.size(); n++)
            ArrayList<Float> projectedPoints1 = new ArrayList<Float>();
            ArrayList<Float> projectedPoints2 = new ArrayList<Float>();
            for (int i = 0; i < p1.getPointCount(); i++)
                projectedPoints1.add(new Vector(p1.getPoint(i).x + p1.getPosition().x, p1.getPoint(i).y + p1.getPosition().y).dot(normals.get(n)));
            for (int i = 0; i < p2.getPointCount(); i++)
                projectedPoints2.add(new Vector(p2.getPoint(i).x + p2.getPosition().x, p2.getPoint(i).y + p2.getPosition().y).dot(normals.get(n)));
            float min1 = getMin(projectedPoints1);
            float max1 = getMax(projectedPoints1);
            float min2 = getMin(projectedPoints2);
            float max2 = getMax(projectedPoints2);
            if (max1 < min2 || max2 < min1)
                return false;
        return true;
    public static float getMin(ArrayList<Float> list)
        float min = list.get(0);
        for (float f : list)
            if (f < min)
                min = f;
        return min;
    public static float getMax(ArrayList<Float> list)
        float max = list.get(0);
        for (float f : list)
            if (f > max)
                max = f;
        return max;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        JFrame frame = new JFrame();
        frame.setLocation(128, 32);
        frame.setSize(800, 512);
        frame.setContentPane(new Panel());
    private static class Panel extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener
        Polygon p1;
        Polygon p2;
        public Panel()
            this.p1 = new Polygon();
            this.p2 = new Polygon();
            this.p1.setPoint(0, new Vector(0 * 32, 0 * 32));
            this.p1.setPoint(1, new Vector(2 * 32, 3 * 32));
            this.p1.setPoint(2, new Vector(0 * 32, 2 * 32));
            this.p1.setPosition(128, 128);
            this.p2.setPoint(0, new Vector(0 * 32, 0 * 32));
            this.p2.setPoint(1, new Vector(1 * 32, 2 * 32));
            this.p2.setPoint(2, new Vector(0 * 32, 2 * 32));
            this.p2.setPosition(128, 128);
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            if (SAT(p1, p2))
            java.awt.Polygon p;
            p = new java.awt.Polygon();
            for (int i = 0; i < p1.getPointCount(); i++)
                p.addPoint((int) (p1.getPoint(i).x + p1.getPosition().x), (int) (p1.getPoint(i).y + p1.getPosition().y));
            p = new java.awt.Polygon();
            for (int i = 0; i < p2.getPointCount(); i++)
                p.addPoint((int) (p2.getPoint(i).x + p2.getPosition().x), (int) (p2.getPoint(i).y + p2.getPosition().y));
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            p2.setPosition(e.getX(), e.getY());
    private static class Polygon
        private Vector[] points;
        private Vector position;
        public Polygon()
            this.points = new Vector[0];
        public void setPointCount(int n)
            points = new Vector[n];
        public void setPoint(int i, Vector v)
            points[i] = v;
        public void setPosition(float x, float y)
            position = new Vector(x, y);
        public Vector getPoint(int i)
            return points[i];
        public Vector getPosition()
            return position;
        public int getPointCount()
            return points.length;
    private static class Vector
        public final float x;
        public final float y;
        public Vector(float x, float y)
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
        public float dot(Vector v)
            return x * v.x + y * v.y;
        public float length()
            return (float) Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
        public Vector normalize()
            float l = length();
            return new Vector(x / l, y / l);
        public Vector getNormalVectorLeft()
            return new Vector(-y, x);
        public Vector getNormalVectorRight()
            return new Vector(y, -x);

好的,我找到了问题所在...我将只发布有问题的部分的固定代码,因此这个问题将包含一个有效的、完全未优化的 SAT 实现(如果您只是路过,它用于检测凸多边形之间的碰撞):

//recover normal vectors for p1 and p2
    for (int i = 0; i < p1.getPointCount(); i++)
        if (i < p1.getPointCount() - 1)
            float x = p1.getPoint(i + 1).x - p1.getPoint(i).x;
            float y = p1.getPoint(i + 1).y - p1.getPoint(i).y;
            normals.add(new Vector(x, y).getNormalVectorLeft());
            float x = p1.getPoint(0).x - p1.getPoint(i).x;
            float y = p1.getPoint(0).y - p1.getPoint(i).y;
            normals.add(new Vector(x, y).getNormalVectorLeft());
    for (int i = 0; i < p2.getPointCount(); i++)
        if (i < p2.getPointCount() - 1)
            float x = p2.getPoint(i + 1).x - p2.getPoint(i).x;
            float y = p2.getPoint(i + 1).y - p2.getPoint(i).y;
            normals.add(new Vector(x, y).getNormalVectorLeft());
            float x = p2.getPoint(0).x - p2.getPoint(i).x;
            float y = p2.getPoint(0).y - p2.getPoint(i).y;
            normals.add(new Vector(x, y).getNormalVectorLeft());
