


Sub ReportCompareAlta()
' ReportCompareAlta Macro
' Adds instances where column D is "ALTA"
    Dim varSheetA As Variant
    Dim varSheetB As Variant
    Dim varSheetC As Variant
    Dim StrValue As Variant
    Dim strRangeToCheck As String
    Dim iRow As Long
    Dim iCol As Long
    Dim WbkA As Workbook
    Dim WbkB As Workbook
    Dim WbkC As Workbook
    Dim counter As Long
    Set WbkA = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="G:ReportingAH_MISSE_FEB2013.xls")
    Set WbkB = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="G:ReportingAH_MISSE_MAR2013.xls")
    Set WbkC = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="G:ReportingReportCompare.xls")
    Set varSheetA = WbkA.Worksheets("LocalesMallContratos")
    Set varSheetB = WbkB.Worksheets("LocalesMallContratos")
    Set varSheetC = WbkC.Worksheets("Sheet1")

    strRangeToCheck = "A1:IV65536"
    Debug.Print Now
    varSheetA = WbkC.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(strRangeToCheck) 'may be confusing code here
    varSheetB = WbkC.Worksheets("Sheet3").Range(strRangeToCheck) 'may be confusing code here
    Debug.Print Now
    counter = 0
    For iRow = LBound(varSheetA, 1) To UBound(varSheetA, 1)        
            If varSheetB(iRow, "B") = varSheetA(iRow, "B") & varSheetB(iRow, "B") <> "GERENCIA" & varSheetB(iRow, "B").Value <> "" & varSheetB(iRow, "D") = "ALTA" Then
                StrValue = ""
                Selection = StrValue
                ActiveSheet = varSheetC
                Selection.Offset(counter, 0).Value = StrValue
                counter = counter - 1
                MsgBox ("Done")
            End If         
    Next iRow
End Sub


我看到了Mat Richardson指出的一些明显的错误,使用&不是等同于AND操作符的简写,它是一个连接器,当你说:


If varSheetB(iRow, "B") = varSheetA(iRow, "B") & varSheetB(iRow, "B") <> "GERENCIA" & varSheetB(iRow, "B").Value <> "" & varSheetB(iRow, "D") = "ALTA" Then


varSheetB(以及A和C)是变量/数组变量。因为不能使用非数字索引,所以不能通过iRow, "B"对它们进行索引。也许你指的是(iRow, 2)。


这可能给我带来了最大的错误:您正在使用变量varSheetA, varSheetBvarSheetC来表示(在此代码中的不同时间)Worksheet Object和变量数组的值。这是令人困惑的,并且可能导致您出现上述错误。一个变量不能同时是这两件事,所以你需要把你的变量当作变量,当它们是变量时,就像工作表一样,当它们是工作表时,或者更好的是:为工作表使用工作表变量,为数组使用变量,不要为多个目的使用相同的变量。

Sub ReportCompareAlta()
' ReportCompareAlta Macro
Dim varSheetA As Worksheet
Dim varSheetB As Worksheet
Dim varSheetC As Worksheet
Dim RangeToCheck As Range
Dim cl as Range
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Long
Dim WbkA As Workbook
Dim WbkB As Workbook
Dim WbkC As Workbook
Dim counter As Long
Set WbkA = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="G:ReportingAH_MISSE_FEB2013.xls")
Set WbkB = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="G:ReportingAH_MISSE_MAR2013.xls")
Set WbkC = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="G:ReportingReportCompare.xls")
Set varSheetA = WbkA.Worksheets("LocalesMallContratos")
Set varSheetB = WbkB.Worksheets("LocalesMallContratos")
Set varSheetC = WbkC.Worksheets("Sheet1")

Set RangeToCheck = varSheetA.Range("A1:A65536") '## I change this because you only indicate you want to compare column A ##'
counter = 0
'## just loop over the cells in the range. ##'
'## This is not the most efficient, but it is the easiest ##'
For each cl in RangeToCheck  
    '## Do your comparison here, e.g: ##'
    '## Ignore cells where .Offset(0,3).Value = "ALTA" Or cl.Value = "" ##'
    If not cl.Offset(0,3).Value = "ALTA" Or Not cl.Value = vbNullString Then
        If Not cl.Value = varSheetB.Range(cl.Address).Value Then
           '## The values are not equal, so do something:
                varSheetC.Range(cl.Address) = "not equal"
           counter = counter+1
           '## The values are equal, so do something else:
            varSheetC.Range(cl.Address) = "equal"
        End If
   End If

MsgBox "Done! There were " & counter & " mismatch values", vbInformation
End Sub
