下面的代码I tried
func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
var textview_text_nssring = textView.text as NSString
// Add "1" when the user starts typing into the text field
if (range.location == 0 && textView.text.isEmpty ) {
if text == "n" {
textView.text = "1."
let cursor = NSMakeRange(range.location + 3, 0)
textView.selectedRange = cursor
return false
else {
textView.text = NSString(format: "1. %@", text) as String
return true
变量,并在shouldChangeTextIn range
var currentLine: Int = 1
func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
// Add "1" when the user starts typing into the text field
if (textView.text.isEmpty && !text.isEmpty) {
textView.text = "(currentLine). "
currentLine += 1
else {
if text.isEmpty {
if textView.text.characters.count >= 4 {
let str = textView.text.substring(from:textView.text.index(textView.text.endIndex, offsetBy: -4))
if str.hasPrefix("n") {
textView.text = String(textView.text.characters.dropLast(3))
currentLine -= 1
else if text.isEmpty && textView.text.characters.count == 3 {
textView.text = String(textView.text.characters.dropLast(3))
currentLine = 1
else {
let str = textView.text.substring(from:textView.text.index(textView.text.endIndex, offsetBy: -1))
if str == "n" {
textView.text = "(textView.text!)(currentLine). "
currentLine += 1
return true