无法打印具有 astropy.io 拟合的整个数据集

我有一个很大的适合文件(21.4 MB(。我想将其内容打印到文本文件中,但只能访问其中的一部分。我正在寻找帮助将整个文件转换为文本格式。

> from astropy.io import fits
> hdulist = fits.open('N20190326G0041i.fits')

有关文件的信息。请注意,所有内容都在主 HDU 中。

> hdulist.info()  
Filename: N20190326G0041i.fits  
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format  
0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU     183   (190685, 28)   float32


> hdu = hdulist[0]  
> hdu.header

但是,我只使用 hdu.data 获取部分数据

> hdu.data
array([[ 4.0630740e+02,  4.0631021e+02,  4.0631290e+02, ...,
1.0478779e+03,  1.0478831e+03,  1.0478882e+03],
[ 2.7955999e+01,  3.1493999e+01,  1.2378000e+01, ...,
-4.3614998e+00, -1.8785000e+00, -8.8672000e-01],
[ 2.8534999e+00,  2.8862000e+00,  2.9282999e+00, ...,
-6.1020999e+00, -5.2989998e+00, -5.1680999e+00],
[ 1.7951000e+04,  2.9099000e+04,  3.5257000e+03, ...,
1.0594000e+03,  7.9347998e+02,  1.6349001e+02],
[ 3.1568999e+03,  3.1631001e+03,  3.2426001e+03, ...,
3.2828000e+02,  3.2062000e+02,  3.2189001e+02],
[ 3.3338000e+03,  3.3806001e+03,  3.4557000e+03, ...,
2.1803000e+02,  2.2574001e+02,  2.3003999e+02]], dtype=float32)


> table = hdulist[0].data
> print(table, file = open('test.txt','a'))

这"有效",并输出与 hdu.data 在屏幕上打印的数据相同的摘录。

> [[ 4.0630740e+02  4.0631021e+02  4.0631290e+02 ...  1.0478779e+03
1.0478831e+03  1.0478882e+03]
[ 2.7955999e+01  3.1493999e+01  1.2378000e+01 ... -4.3614998e+00
-1.8785000e+00 -8.8672000e-01]
[ 2.8534999e+00  2.8862000e+00  2.9282999e+00 ... -6.1020999e+00
-5.2989998e+00 -5.1680999e+00]
[ 1.7951000e+04  2.9099000e+04  3.5257000e+03 ...  1.0594000e+03
7.9347998e+02  1.6349001e+02]
[ 3.1568999e+03  3.1631001e+03  3.2426001e+03 ...  3.2828000e+02
3.2062000e+02  3.2189001e+02]
[ 3.3338000e+03  3.3806001e+03  3.4557000e+03 ...  2.1803000e+02
2.2574001e+02  2.3003999e+02]]

另外,我使用 memmap = True 重复了上述所有内容,但得到了相同的结果。

> from astropy.io import fits
> hdulist = fits.open('N20190326G0041i.fits', memmap = True)


> tbdata = fits.getdata('N20190326G0041i.fits')
> print(tbdata,file=open('test.txt','a'))


> from astropy.table import Table
> t = Table.read(hdulist[0], format = 'fits')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/table/connect.py", line 52, in __call__
out = registry.read(cls, *args, **kwargs)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/registry.py", line 523, in read
data = reader(*args, **kwargs)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/connect.py", line 195, in read_table_fits
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 151, in fitsopen
lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 390, in fromfile
lazy_load_hdus=lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 1039, in _readfrom
fileobj = _File(fileobj, mode=mode, memmap=memmap, cache=cache)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/utils/decorators.py", line 521, in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/file.py", line 180, in __init__
self._open_filelike(fileobj, mode, overwrite)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/file.py", line 533, in _open_filelike
"method, required for mode '{}'.".format(self.mode))
OSError: File-like object does not have a 'write' method, required for mode 'ostream'.


> t=Table.read(hdu.data, format='fits')


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/table/connect.py", line 52, in __call__
out = registry.read(cls, *args, **kwargs)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/registry.py", line 523, in read
data = reader(*args, **kwargs)
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/connect.py", line 195, in read_table_fits
File "/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py", line 147, in fitsopen
if not name:
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

我也在 PyRAF 中尝试过 tprint 和 tdump,它只是给出错误"警告:",没有其他有用的信息。我还尝试使用 PyRaf 中的 wspectext 函数将 fit 文件写入文本,但它无法这样做。

但是,我希望能够仅使用 astropy 中的 fit 包将数据输出到文本文件。我已经用来自各种望远镜管道的其他拟合文件做了无数次,但这次它不起作用。任何帮助都非常感谢。

文件的标题如下。我想知道,由于标题是用 IDL 编写的,我是否能够通过 IDL 访问信息的唯一方法?这对我来说似乎不太可能。如果可能的话,我真的宁愿避免使用 IDL。我们的大学有站点许可证,但在大流行期间不允许我们进入校园,并且缺乏我们的 VPN 功能。

> hdu.header  
SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:    
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Real*4 (complex, stored as float)              
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes                                 
NAXIS1  =               190685 / Number of pixel columns                        
NAXIS2  =                   28 / Number of pixel rows                           
INHERIT =                    F / No need to inherit global keywords             
BZERO   =                   0. / Data is Unsigned Integer                       
BSCALE  =                   1. / Scale factor                                                  
IMAGESWV= 'CFHT DetCom v3.60.18 (Apr 20 2017)' / Image creation software version
OBSTYPE = 'OBJECT  '           / Observation / Exposure type                    
EXPTYPE = 'OBJECT  '           / See OBSTYPE                                    
EXPTIME =               2561.0 / Integration time (seconds)                     
DARKTIME=               2561.0 / Dark current time (seconds)                           
DETECTOR= 'OLAPA   '           / Science Detector                               
CCD     = 'Unknown '           / Science Detector (use DETECTOR)                
IMAGEID =                    0 / CCD chip number                                
CHIPID  =                    0 / Use IMAGEID instead                            
DETSIZE = '[1:2048,1:4608]'    / Total data pixels in full mosaic               
RASTER  = 'FULL    '           / Active raster description                      
CCDSUM  = '1 1     '           / Binning factors                                
CCDBIN1 =                    1 / Binning factor along first axis                
CCDBIN2 =                    1 / Binning factor along second axis               
PIXSIZE =                 13.5 / Pixel size for both axes (microns)             
AMPLIST = 'a,b     '           / List of amplifiers for this image              
CCDSIZE = '[1:2048,1:4608]'    / Detector imaging area size                     
CCDSEC  = '[21:2068,1:4608]'   / Read out area of the detector (unbinned)       
TRIMSEC = '[21:2068,4:4605]'   / Useful imaging area of the detector            
BSECA   = '[1:20,1:4608]'      / Overscan/prescan (bias) area from Amp A        
BSECB   = '[2069:2088,1:4608]' / Overscan/prescan (bias) area from Amp B        
CSECA   = '[21:1044,1:4608]'   / Section in full CCD for DSECA                  
CSECB   = '[1045:2068,1:4608]' / Section in full CCD for DSECB                  
DSECA   = '[21:1044,1:4608]'   / Imaging area from Amp A                        
DSECB   = '[1045:2068,1:4608]' / Imaging area from Amp B                        
TSECA   = '[21:1044,4:4605]'   / Trim section for Amp A                         
TSECB   = '[1045:2068,4:4605]' / Trim section for Amp B                         
MAXLIN  =                65535 / Maximum linearity value (ADU)                  
SATURATE=                65535 / Saturation value (ADU)                         
GAINA   =                 1.10 / Amp A gain (electrons/ADU)                     
GAINB   =                 1.20 / Amp B gain (electrons/ADU)                     
RDNOISEA=                 2.90 / Amp A read noise (electrons)                   
RDNOISEB=                 2.90 / Amp B read noise (electrons)                   
DARKCUR =                    0 / Dark current (e-/pixel/hour)                   
RDTIME  =                30.00 / Read out time (sec)                            
CONSWV  = 'olD=137,DCU=49'     / Controller software DSPID and SERNO versions   
DETSTAT = 'ok      '           / Detector temp range (-105..-90)                
DETTEM  =               -100.2 / Detector temp deg C = 745.502 + -0.278 * 3042  
INSTRUME= 'GRACES  '           / Instrument Name                                
ECAMFOC =                -3.61 / ESPaDOnS camera focus position (mm)            
EHARTPOS= 'OUT     '           / ESPaDOnS hartmann position FULL/DOWN/UP/OUT    
EEMSHUT = 'CLOSE   '           / ESPaDOnS exposure meter shutter OPEN/CLOSED    
EEMSTATE= 'OFF     '           / ESPaDOnS exposure meter state ON/OFF           
EEMCNTS =                -9999 / ESPaDOnS exposure meter count average          
ETSP1BEG=                17.38 / ESPaDOnS down mirror temp at start (deg C)     
ETSP2BEG=                17.61 / ESPaDOnS camera temp at start (deg C)          
ETSP3BEG=                17.55 / ESPaDOnS up mirror temp at start (deg C)       
ETSP4BEG=                17.31 / ESPaDOnS hygrometer temp at start (deg C)      
EPRSPBEG=                -3.35 / ESPaDOnS relative pressure at start (mb)       
ERHSPBEG=                21.11 / ESPaDOnS relative humidity at start (%)        
ETSP1END=                17.38 / ESPaDOnS down mirror temp at end (deg C)       
ETSP2END=                17.59 / ESPaDOnS camera temp at end (deg C)            
ETSP3END=                17.55 / ESPaDOnS up mirror temp at end (deg C)         
ETSP4END=                17.31 / ESPaDOnS hygrometer temp at end (deg C)        
EPRSPEND=                -3.29 / ESPaDOnS relative pressure at end (mb)         
EREADSPD= 'Slow: 2.90e noise, 1.15e/ADU, 30s' / ESPaDOnS det read out xslow/slow
GSLIPOS = 'TWOSLICE'           / GRACES slicer bench position (# and mm)        
GSLICER = 'TWOSLICE'           / GRACES slicer position (# and deg)             
GDEKKER = 'TWOSLICE'           / GRACES dekker position (# and mm)              
GPMIRROR= 'GEMINI  '           / GRACES pickoff mirror position (# and mm)      
GFIBMODE= 'GRACES  '           / GRACES fiber position (ESPADONS or GRACES)     
O_BSCALE=              1.00000 / Original BSCALE Value                          
RAWIQ   = '85-percentile'      /Raw Image Quality                               
RAWCC   = '50-percentile'      /Raw Cloud Cover                                 
RAWWV   = '20-percentile'      /Raw Water Vapour/Transparency                   
RAWBG   = '50-percentile'      /Raw Background                                  
TELESCOP= 'Gemini-North'       /Gemini-North                                    
EPOCH   =              2000.00 /Epoch for Target coordinates                    
CRPA    =        80.7411581783 /Current Cass Rotator Position Angle             
AIRMASS = '1.271   '           /Mean airmass for the observation                
AMSTART = '1.365   '           /Airmass at start of exposure                    
AMEND   = '1.191   '           /Airmass at end of exposure                      
HA      = '-03:02:41.87'       /Hour Angle Sexagesimal                          
HAD     = '-3.0449640'         /Hour Angle Decimal                              
OBSCLASS= 'science '           /Observe class                                   
INSTMODE= 'Spectroscopy, star+sky' /Observing mode                                                         
RAWPIREQ= 'YES     '           /PI Requirements Met                             
RAWGEMQA= 'USABLE  '           /Gemini Quality Assessment                       
COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------                    
COMMENT | Processed by the CFHT OPERA Open Source Pipeline |                    
COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------                    
COMMENT opera-1.0.1228 build date Fri May 19 18:53:30 HST 2017                  
COMMENT Processing Date                                                         
COMMENT ---------------                                                         
COMMENT Mon May  4 14:50:27 HST 2020                                            
COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMENT 20                                                                      
SNR22   = '0.50798 / 0.61051'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR23   = '0.84309 / 1.0133'   / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR24   = '1.2171 / 1.4627'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR25   = '1.9608 / 2.3567'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR26   = '2.1154 / 2.5425'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR27   = '2.1107 / 2.5368'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR28   = '2.2236 / 2.6725'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR29   = '2.1241 / 2.5528'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR30   = '2.2457 / 2.6991'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR31   = '1.9948 / 2.3975'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR32   = '1.6974 / 2.04'      / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR33   = '1.4978 / 1.8001'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR34   = '1.2949 / 1.5562'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR35   = '1.3562 / 1.63'      / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR36   = '1.0198 / 1.2257'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR37   = '1.5021 / 1.8053'    / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR38   = '1.01 / 1.2139'      / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR39   = '0.71061 / 0.85405'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR40   = '0.59577 / 0.71603'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR41   = '0.62022 / 0.74541'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR42   = '0.57458 / 0.69056'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR43   = '0.52749 / 0.63397'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR44   = '0.49149 / 0.5907'   / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR45   = '0.48021 / 0.57714'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR46   = '0.50494 / 0.60687'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR47   = '0.52551 / 0.63159'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR48   = '0.5106 / 0.61367'   / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR49   = '0.42632 / 0.51237'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR50   = '0.42451 / 0.5102'   / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR51   = '0.42025 / 0.50508'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR52   = '0.41137 / 0.49441'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR53   = '0.41708 / 0.50127'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR54   = '0.41904 / 0.50362'  / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
SNR55   = '0.4284 / 0.51487'   / snr per spectral / ccd bin                     
HRV     =              -8.9311 / Heliocentric RV correction (km/s)              
HRVLUNAR=            0.0125599 / lunar component of HRV correction (km/s)       
HRVORBIT=             -9.19911 / orbital component of HRV correction (km/s)     
HRVDIURN=             0.255451 / diurnal component of HRV correction (km/s)     
HJDUTC  =        2458568.79603 / Heliocentric Julian date (UTC) mid-exposure    
HJDTT   =       2458568.796831 / Heliocentric Julian date (TT) mid-exposure     
TELLRV  =                   0. / telluric RV correction (km/s)                  
TELLERR =                   0. / telluric RV correction error (km/s)            
REDUCTIO= 'Intensity'          / Type of reduction                              
NORMAL  = '2       '           / Normalized and Un-normalized Data              
COMMENT File contains automatic wavelength correction and uncorrected data.     
COL1    = 'Wavelength'         / Normalized                                     
COL2    = 'Star    '           / Normalized                                     
COL3    = 'Sky     '           / Normalized                                     
COL4    = 'Star+sky'           / Normalized                                     
COL5    = 'ErrorBarStar'       / Normalized                                     
COL6    = 'ErrorBarSky'        / Normalized                                     
COL7    = 'ErrorBarStar+Sky'   / Normalized                                     
COL8    = 'Wavelength'         / UnNormalized                                   
COL9    = 'Star    '           / UnNormalized                                   
COL10   = 'Sky     '           / UnNormalized                                   
COL11   = 'Star+sky'           / UnNormalized                                   
COL12   = 'ErrorBarStar'       / UnNormalized                                   
COL13   = 'ErrorBarSky'        / UnNormalized                                   
COL14   = 'ErrorBarStar+Sky'   / UnNormalized                                   
COL15   = 'Wavelength'         / Normalized, no autowave correction             
COL16   = 'Star    '           / Normalized, no autowave correction             
COL17   = 'Sky     '           / Normalized, no autowave correction             
COL18   = 'Star+sky'           / Normalized, no autowave correction             
COL19   = 'ErrorBarStar'       / Normalized, no autowave correction             
COL20   = 'ErrorBarSky'        / Normalized, no autowave correction             
COL21   = 'ErrorBarStar+Sky'   / Normalized, no autowave correction             
COL22   = 'Wavelength'         / UnNormalized, no autowave correction           
COL23   = 'Star    '           / UnNormalized, no autowave correction           
COL24   = 'Sky     '           / UnNormalized, no autowave correction           
COL25   = 'Star+sky'           / UnNormalized, no autowave correction           
COL26   = 'ErrorBarStar'       / UnNormalized, no autowave correction           
COL27   = 'ErrorBarSky'        / UnNormalized, no autowave correction           
COL28   = 'ErrorBarStar+Sky'   / UnNormalized, no autowave correction 


FITS 文件中的数据(例如hdulist[0].data( 作为 Numpy 数组返回。Numpy是许多科学Python包的核心库,用于处理类似二进制数组的数据。这很好注意,因为它不是特定于Astropy或FITS的,并且有关如何处理FITS文件中的数据(不是特定于天文学的(的任何问题实际上是关于Numpy的问题。Numpy有一个内置函数np.savetxt用于此目的。 例如

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.savetxt(hdulist[0].data)

np.savetxt提供了许多选项,您可以在 API 文档中了解如何设置数据格式。

(附带问题:为什么要将其另存为纯文本文件? 它似乎是一个相当大的数组 - 您是否想将其作为二进制无法使用的文本文件?

其次,您尝试使用Table.read失败的几个原因。首先,您的数据似乎不是表格,因此这不适合这种形式的CCD数据。第二个Table.read是一个更抽象的函数,它只取一个文件的名称(或"类似文件的对象,意思是与从 Python 的内置开放函数返回的文件对象具有相同接口的东西(。它通过识别一些受支持的文件格式来自动猜测如何读取表格数据。您正在传递它不知道如何处理的对象,因此会出现看似模糊的错误。


>>> Table.read('path/to/fits/file/containing/table.fits')

在后台,这是使用astropy.io.fits包来解析 FITS 文件并提取表内容。 该界面旨在从用户中抽象出这些细节。 在第一次尝试中,您向它传递了一个实际的 HDU 对象 (hdulist[0](。 由于您指定了format='fits'因此它会尝试在此对象上使用其 FITS 读取器,但它不知道如何处理它,因为它不是文件名或类似文件的对象。 第二次尝试也有类似的问题。


>>> tbdata = fits.getdata('N20190326G0041i.fits')
>>> print(tbdata,file=open('test.txt','a'))

这与print(tbdata)没有什么不同。 当您将 Numpy 数组打印到屏幕上时,它具有标准的打印表示形式,对于大型数组,通常会截断数据。 使用file=不会做任何魔术:它只是输出与将数组打印到终端相同的内容,但它会将该文本输出到文件而不是屏幕。
