如何使用 Azure 存储 blob 服务

我需要你的帮助,因为我是这个领域的新手。我想使用 Azure 存储 blob 服务上传图像、列出和下载,但我遇到了一些问题。


Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
Archive for required library: 'C:/Users/NUTRIP-DEVLP1/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.4/commons-lang3-3.4.jar' in project 'blobAzureApp' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file    blobAzureApp        Build path  Build Path Problem
Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved    blobAzureApp        Unknown Java Problem

我应该将其作为普通的 Java 应用程序还是 Maven 项目运行?如果是 Maven,我该如何运行它?

我建议你在maven项目中使用官方的java sdk。



static void uploadFile(BlockBlobURL blob, File sourceFile) throws IOException {
FileChannel fileChannel = FileChannel.open(sourceFile.toPath());
// Uploading a file to the blobURL using the high-level methods available in TransferManager class
// Alternatively call the Upload/StageBlock low-level methods from BlockBlobURL type
TransferManager.uploadFileToBlockBlob(fileChannel, blob, 8*1024*1024, null)
.subscribe(response-> {
System.out.println("Completed upload request.");


static void listBlobs(ContainerURL containerURL) {
// Each ContainerURL.listBlobsFlatSegment call return up to maxResults (maxResults=10 passed into ListBlobOptions below).
// To list all Blobs, we are creating a helper static method called listAllBlobs, 
// and calling it after the initial listBlobsFlatSegment call
ListBlobsOptions options = new ListBlobsOptions(null, null, 10);
containerURL.listBlobsFlatSegment(null, options)
.flatMap(containersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse -> 
listAllBlobs(containerURL, containersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse))    
.subscribe(response-> {
System.out.println("Completed list blobs request.");
private static Single <ContainersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse> listAllBlobs(ContainerURL url, ContainersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse response) {                
// Process the blobs returned in this result segment (if the segment is empty, blobs() will be null.
if (response.body().blobs() != null) {
for (Blob b : response.body().blobs().blob()) {
String output = "Blob name: " + b.name();
if (b.snapshot() != null) {
output += ", Snapshot: " + b.snapshot();
else {
System.out.println("There are no more blobs to list off.");
// If there is not another segment, return this response as the final response.
if (response.body().nextMarker() == null) {
return Single.just(response);
} else {
IMPORTANT: ListBlobsFlatSegment returns the start of the next segment; you MUST use this to get the next
segment (after processing the current result segment
String nextMarker = response.body().nextMarker();
The presence of the marker indicates that there are more blobs to list, so we make another call to
listBlobsFlatSegment and pass the result through this helper function.
return url.listBlobsFlatSegment(nextMarker, new ListBlobsOptions(null, null,1))
.flatMap(containersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse ->
listAllBlobs(url, containersListBlobFlatSegmentResponse));


static void getBlob(BlockBlobURL blobURL, File sourceFile) {
try {
// Get the blob using the low-level download method in BlockBlobURL type
// com.microsoft.rest.v2.util.FlowableUtil is a static class that contains helpers to work with Flowable
blobURL.download(new BlobRange(0, Long.MAX_VALUE), null, false)
.flatMapCompletable(response -> {
AsynchronousFileChannel channel = AsynchronousFileChannel.open(Paths
.get(sourceFile.getPath()), StandardOpenOption.CREATE,  StandardOpenOption.WRITE);
return FlowableUtil.writeFile(response.body(), channel);
}).doOnComplete(()-> System.out.println("The blob was downloaded to " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()))
// To call it synchronously add .blockingAwait()
} catch (Exception ex){

