
我有批处理文件,写入与记录的文本文件。每个记录都需要从文件中处理。例如,如果Name == KD,则转到步骤1,否则继续执行下一步。



Line Name Container
1    KD   123
2    DF   657

set txtfilepath=C:TempTest.txt
set /a cnt=0
for /f %%a in ('type "%txtfilepath%"^|find "" /v /c') do set /a cnt=%%a
echo %txtfilepath% has %cnt% lines
for /f "skip=1 tokens=1,2,3,4,5* delims=,] " %%a in ('find /v /n "" ^<   %txtfilepath%') do (
    echo.%%b - this displays variable fine.
    if %%b==DF (
        set result=true
    )  else (
        goto donotexecute
    echo I am in true loop.
    echo i am in do not import loop


首先,如果您只想给环境变量赋值,请不要使用set /a(求值算术表达式)。


@echo off
set "txtfilepath=C:TempTest.txt"
rem Don't know why the number of lines in the files must be determined first?
set "cnt=0"
for /F %%a in ('type "%txtfilepath%" ^| %SystemRoot%System32find.exe "" /v /c') do set "cnt=%%a"
echo %txtfilepath% has %cnt% lines.
for /F "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1-5* delims=,] " %%a in ("%txtfilepath%") do (
    if "%%b" == "DF" (
        call :ProcessDF "%%c"
    ) else if "%%b" == "KD" (
        call :ProcessKD "%%c"
echo Result is: %result%
rem Exit processing of this batch file. This command is required because
rem otherwise the batch processing would continue unwanted on subroutine.
goto :EOF

rem This is the subroutine for name DF.
echo Processing DF ...
set "result=true"
echo Container is: %~1
goto :EOF
rem The command above exits subroutine and batch processing continues
rem on next line below the command line which called this subroutine.

rem This is the subroutine for name KD.
echo Processing KD ...
echo Container is: %~1
rem Other commands to process.
goto :EOF


  • call /?
  • echo /?
  • find /?
  • for /?
  • goto /?
  • if /?
  • rem /?
  • set /?
  • type /?

exit /B也可以在使用goto :EOF的地方使用,因为这是完全相同的。在命令提示符窗口exit /?中运行以了解详细信息。有时在较大的批处理文件中,使用exit /B(用于退出批处理文件的处理)和goto :EOF(用于仅退出子例程)是有意义的。
