一个系列中的多个余数*如何在 Java 中工作

所以基本上,$1.26 如何变成:

Dollars: 1
Quarters: 1
Pennies: 1


int change = (int)(changeDue*100);
int dollars = (int)(change/100);
int quarters = (int)(change/25);
int pennies = (int)(change/1);
System.out.println("Dollars: " + dollars);
System.out.println("Quarters: " + quarters);
System.out.println("Pennies: " + pennies);

模运算给出除法的其余部分。% 运算a % m中的值始终介于 0m - 1 之间。

change=change%100; // divides by 100 and leaves the remainder which is less than a dollar
change=change%25; // divides by 25 and leaves the remainder which is less than a quarter
change=change%10; // divides by 10 and leaves the remainder which is less than a dime
change=change%5; // divides by 5 and leaves the remainder which is less than a nickel
change=change%1 // this operation is always 0 because an integer can always be divided by 1 without a remainder


  • 整数除法忽略除法提醒,例如 126/100=1

  • 模数只返回除法的提醒,例如 126%100=26

所以对于 126 美分,你需要 1 美元。并为每个较小的面额重复相同的提醒值。对于季度,您将获得 26/25=1 个季度,提醒为 26%1,即 1...你明白了。
