


set root /home/nikhil/
set group {all}
set TopScript [open $root/TopScript.tcl w] 
puts $TopScript "[exec perl $root/extract_excel.pl $group] n}"
Puts $TopScript "set logfilename $root/logfile"
puts $TopScript "source $root/main_1.tcl"
puts $TopScript "source $root/main_2.tcl"
close $TopScript
#Pseudo code for scenario what I want is:
thread::create {
exec tclsh /home/nikhil/TopScript.tcl
thread::create {
set flag_for_interupt 0
while{!flag_for_interupt} {
set old_log_size [file size $root/logfile]
after [expr {int(1000* 60* 60* 2)}]
set new_log_size [file size $root/logfile]
if{$old_log_size == $new_log_size} {
puts "I suspect Test is in hung state.... checking again after 2 hours.....n"
after [expr {int(1000* 60* 60* 2)}]
set $new_log_size [file size $root/logfile]
if{$old_log_size == $new_log_size} {
puts "nn Test is in hung state.... log has not updated since last 4 hours........nn"
##########  enter code to interupt main thread and execute again
set flag_for_inturept 1



set waiter [thread::create {
proc do {filename targetThread returnMessage} {
set delay [expr {int(1000* 60* 60* 2)}]
while true {
# This would be really a do-while loop, but we don't have those
while true {
set old_log_size [file size $filename]
after $delay
set new_log_size [file size $filename]
if {$old_log_size == $new_log_size} break
puts "I suspect Test is in hung state... checking again after 2 hours...n"
after $delay
set new_log_size [file size $filename]
if {$old_log_size == $new_log_size} break
puts "nn Test is in hung state... log has not updated since last 4 hours...nn"
# Send message to main thread to do something about the hung test
thread::send -async $targetThread $returnMessage


thread::send -async $waiter [list do $root/logfile [thread::current] {set test_hung 1}]


set waiter [thread::create {
proc do {filename targetThread returnMessage} {
set delay [expr {int(1000* 60* 60* 2)}]
set old_log_size [file size $filename]
# Schedule the run of do2 in two hours
after $delay [list do2 $filename $targetThread $returnMessage $delay $filename $old_log_size]
proc do2 {filename targetThread returnMessage delay filename old_log_size} {
set new_log_size [file size $filename]
if {$old_log_size == $new_log_size} {
puts "I suspect Test is in hung state... checking again after 2 hours...n"
# Schedule the run of do3 in another two hours
after $delay [list do3 $filename $targetThread $returnMessage $delay $filename $old_log_size]
} else {
# An update did happen; run ourselves again in two hours to compare to the new size
after $delay [list do2 $filename $targetThread $returnMessage $delay $filename $new_log_size]
proc do3 {filename targetThread returnMessage delay filename old_log_size} {
set new_log_size [file size $filename]
if {$old_log_size == $new_log_size} {
puts "nn Test is in hung state... log has not updated since last 4 hours...nn"
# Send message to main thread to do something about the hung test
thread::send -async $targetThread $returnMessage
} else {
# An update did happen; run ourselves again in two hours to compare to the new size
after $delay [list do2 $filename $targetThread $returnMessage $delay $filename $new_log_size]


set waiter [thread::create {
proc do {filename targetThread returnMessage} {
coroutine Coro[incr ::Coro] doBody $filename $targetThread $returnMessage
proc delayForTwoHours {} {
set delay [expr {int(1000* 60* 60* 2)}]
after $delay [info coroutine]
proc doBody {filename targetThread returnMessage} {
while true {
while true {
set old_log_size [file size $filename]
set new_log_size [file size $filename]
if {$old_log_size == $new_log_size} break
puts "I suspect Test is in hung state... checking again after 2 hours...n"
set new_log_size [file size $filename]
if {$old_log_size == $new_log_size} break
puts "nn Test is in hung state... log has not updated since last 4 hours...nn"
# Send message to main thread to do something about the hung test
thread::send -async $targetThread $returnMessage


