

// computer_move() checks for all legal moves in the current  |
// position. then for each of them it calls the dfs_search()  |
// function to get the moves' score. And finally it returns   |
// the move with the best score.                              |
int computer_move()  //
    int best_move;  // best move so far
    int best_score = -100;  // best score so far 
    int score;  // current score
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { //
        if (pos[i] == EMPTY) {  // if a legal move can be made 
            pos[i] = COMPUTER;  // mark the move
            score = -dfs_search(HUMAN); // 
            pos[i] = EMPTY; // take back the move
            if (score > best_score) {
                best_score = score;
                best_move = i;
    printf("Computer's move: %dn", best_move);
    return best_move;   // return the best move found

// dfs_search() gets the side to move, find all legal moves   |
// for him, and for each move, it recursively calls itself.   |
// It returns a score for the position.                       |
// This recursive function continues on each variation until  |
// the game's end is found in that variation. Which means     |
// that the variation continues until check_result() returns  |
// a value other than CONTINUE.                                   |
// Note that this can be done in tic-tac-toe, since it's a    |
// deterministic game. For games like chess or checkers we    |
// can't continue the variation until reaching the game's end |
// so we have to cut the variation at some point.             |
int dfs_search(int player) // 
    int best_score = -100;
    int score;
    int result;
    int i;
    result = check_result(player);
    if (result != CONTINUE) return result;  // return the result
    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
        if (pos[i] == EMPTY) {
            pos[i] = player;
            score = -dfs_search(CHANGE_PLAYER(player)); // 
            pos[i] = EMPTY;
            if (score > best_score)
                best_score = score;
    return best_score;  // return the best score


您正在尝试解决整个游戏树。在3x3板上有9个!=树上的362880节点,该节点足够小,可以处理计算机,但是在4x4板上有16个!= 2092278988000(20.9万亿)节点,这太多了,无法在合理的时间内访问。

