关于 goroutines 的 Golang 内存泄漏

我有一个连续运行的 Go 程序,完全依赖于 goroutines + 1 manager线程。主线程只是调用 goroutines 并以其他方式休眠。

存在内存泄漏。该程序使用越来越多的内存,直到耗尽所有 16GB RAM + 32GB SWAP,然后每个 goroutine 都死机。实际上是操作系统内存导致死机,通常当我尝试执行anotherapp时,死机fork/exec ./anotherapp: cannot allocate memory

发生这种情况时,所有工作线程都将死机并恢复并重新启动。所以每个goroutine都会恐慌,被恢复并重新启动......此时内存使用量不会减少,即使现在几乎没有分配,它仍保持在 48GB。这意味着所有 goroutines 总是会因为内存不足而感到恐慌,直到整个可执行文件被杀死并完全重新启动。


type queue struct {
    identifier string
    type bool
func main() {
    // Set number of gorountines that can be run
    var xthreads int32 = 10
    var usedthreads int32
    ready := make(chan *queue, 5)
    // Start the manager goroutine, which prepared identifiers in the background ready for processing, always with 5 waiting to go
    go manager(ready)
    // Start creating goroutines to process as they are ready
    for obj := range ready { // loops through "ready" channel and waits when there is nothing
        // This section uses atomic instead of a blocking channel in an earlier attempt to stop the memory leak, but it didn't work
        for atomic.LoadInt32(&usedthreads) >= xthreads {
        debug.FreeOSMemory() // Try to clean up the memory, also did not stop the leak
        atomic.AddInt32(&usedthreads, 1) // Mark goroutine as started
        // Unleak obj, probably unnecessary, but just to be safe
        copy := new(queue)
        copy.identifier = unleak.String(obj.identifier) // unleak is a 3rd party package that makes a copy of the string
        copy.type = obj.type
        go runit(copy, &usedthreads) // Start the processing thread
    fmt.Println(`END`) // This should never happen as the channels are never closed
func manager(ready chan *queue) {
    // This thread communicates with another server and fills the "ready" channel
// This is the goroutine
func runit(obj *queue, threadcount *int32) {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            // Panicked
            erstring := fmt.Sprint(r)
            reportFatal(obj.identifier, erstring)
        } else {
            // Completed successfully
        atomic.AddInt32(threadcount, -1) // Mark goroutine as finished
    do(obj) // This function does the actual processing

据我所知,当do函数(最后一行)结束时,无论是完成还是惊慌失措,runit函数都会结束,这将完全结束 goroutine,这意味着该 goroutine 的所有内存现在都应该是空闲的。这就是现在发生的事情。发生的情况是,这个应用程序只是使用越来越多的内存,直到它变得无法运行,所有runit goroutine都惊慌失措,但内存并没有减少。



package main
import (
// I do work
func worker(id int, work chan int) {
    for i := range work {
        // Work simulation
        log.Printf("Worker %d, sleeping for %d secondsn", id, i)
        time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(i)) * time.Second)
// Return some fake work
func getWork() int {
    return rand.Intn(2) + 1
func main() {
    wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
    work := make(chan int)
    // run 10 workers
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        go func(i int) {
            worker(i, work)
    // main "thread"
    for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
        work <- getWork()
    // signal there is no more work to be done
    // Wait for the workers to exit
