



我为该项目创建了一个小提琴来展示一个例子: https://jsfiddle.net/8b5zLupf/38/




resizeShapeWithAspect: function(currentHandle, shape, mouse)
var self = this;
var getModifyAspect = function(max, min, value)
var ratio = max / min;
return value * ratio;
var modify = {
width: 0,
height: 10
var direction = null,
objPos = shape.position,
ratio = this.getAspect(shape.width, shape.height);
switch (currentHandle)
case 'topleft':
modify.width = shape.width + (objPos.x - mouse.x);
modify.height = shape.height + (objPos.y - mouse.y);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeX = (modify.width - shape.width);
var changeY = (modify.height - shape.height);
objPos.x = mouse.x + changeX;
objPos.y = mouse.y + changeY;
case 'topright':
modify.width = mouse.x - objPos.x;
modify.height = shape.height + (objPos.y - mouse.y);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeY = (modify.height - shape.height);
objPos.y = mouse.y + changeY;
case 'bottomleft':
modify.width = shape.width + (objPos.x - mouse.x);
modify.height = mouse.y - objPos.y;
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeX = (modify.width - shape.width);
objPos.x = mouse.x + changeX;
case 'bottomright':
modify.width = mouse.x - objPos.x;
modify.height = mouse.y - objPos.y;
this.scale(shape, modify);
case 'top':
var oldWidth = shape.width;
modify.width = shape.width + (objPos.x + mouse.x);
modify.height = shape.height + (objPos.y - mouse.y);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeX = ((shape.width - oldWidth) / 2);
var changeY = (modify.height - shape.height);
objPos.x -= changeX;
objPos.y = mouse.y + changeY;
case 'left':
var oldHeight = shape.height;
modify.width = shape.width + (objPos.x - mouse.x);
modify.height = getModifyAspect(modify.width, shape.width, shape.height);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeX = (modify.width - shape.width);
var changeY = ((shape.height - oldHeight) / 2);
objPos.x = mouse.x + changeX;
objPos.y -= changeY;
case 'bottom':
var oldWidth = shape.width;
modify.height = mouse.y - objPos.y;
modify.width = getModifyAspect(modify.height, shape.height, shape.width);
this.scale(shape, modify);
var changeX = ((shape.width - oldWidth) / 2);
objPos.x -= changeX;
case 'right':
var oldHeight = shape.height;
modify.width = mouse.x - objPos.x;
modify.height = getModifyAspect(modify.width, shape.width, shape.height);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeY = ((shape.height - oldHeight) / 2);
objPos.y -= changeY;


resizeShapeWithAspectAndRotate: function(currentHandle, shape, mouse)
var self = this;
var getModifyAspect = function(max, min, value)
var ratio = max / min;
return value * ratio;
var modify = {
width: 0,
height: 10
var direction = null,
objPos = shape.position,
ratio = this.getAspect(shape.width, shape.height),
handles = shape.getHandlePositions();
switch (currentHandle)
case 'topleft':
var handle = this.getHandleByLabel(handles, 'topleft');
var opositeHandle = this.getOpositeHandle(handles, 'topleft');
var distance = canvasMath.distance(handle, mouse);
modify.width = shape.width + (distance);
modify.height = shape.height + (distance);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeX = (modify.width - shape.width);
var changeY = (modify.height - shape.height);
//shape.position.x = mouse.x + changeX;
//shape.position.y = mouse.y + changeY;
case 'topright':
modify.width = mouse.x - objPos.x;
modify.height = shape.height + (objPos.y - mouse.y);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeY = (modify.height - shape.height);
objPos.y = mouse.y + changeY;
case 'bottomleft':
modify.width = shape.width + (objPos.x - mouse.x);
modify.height = mouse.y - objPos.y;
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeX = (modify.width - shape.width);
objPos.x = mouse.x + changeX;
case 'bottomright':
modify.width = mouse.x - objPos.x;
modify.height = mouse.y - objPos.y;
this.scale(shape, modify);
case 'top':
var oldWidth = shape.width;
modify.width = shape.width + (objPos.x + mouse.x);
modify.height = shape.height + (objPos.y - mouse.y);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeX = ((shape.width - oldWidth) / 2);
var changeY = (modify.height - shape.height);
objPos.x -= changeX;
objPos.y = mouse.y + changeY;
case 'left':
var oldHeight = shape.height;
modify.width = shape.width + (objPos.x - mouse.x);
modify.height = getModifyAspect(modify.width, shape.width, shape.height);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeX = (modify.width - shape.width);
var changeY = ((shape.height - oldHeight) / 2);
objPos.x = mouse.x + changeX;
objPos.y -= changeY;
case 'bottom':
var oldWidth = shape.width;
modify.height = mouse.y - objPos.y;
modify.width = getModifyAspect(modify.height, shape.height, shape.width);
this.scale(shape, modify);
var changeX = ((shape.width - oldWidth) / 2);
objPos.x -= changeX;
case 'right':
var oldHeight = shape.height;
modify.width = mouse.x - objPos.x;
modify.height = getModifyAspect(modify.width, shape.width, shape.height);
this.scale(shape, modify);
/* we need to setup the shape position by getting the
offset from where the object would have been without the
scale and add that to the position */
var changeY = ((shape.height - oldHeight) / 2);
objPos.y -= changeY;
getHandleByLabel: function(handles, label)
if (handles)
for (var i = 0, maxLength = handles.length; i < maxLength; i++)
var handle = handles[i];
if (label === handle.label)
return handle;
return false;
getOpositeHandle: function(handles)
var handleLabel = this.currentHandle;
if (handleLabel && handles)
switch (handleLabel)
case 'topleft':
return this.getHandleByLabel(handles, 'bottomright');
case 'top':
return this.getHandleByLabel(handles, 'bottom');
case 'topright':
return this.getHandleByLabel(handles, 'bottomleft');
case 'right':
return this.getHandleByLabel(handles, 'left');
case 'bottomright':
return this.getHandleByLabel(handles, 'topleft');
case 'bottom':
return this.getHandleByLabel(handles, 'top');
case 'bottomleft':
return this.getHandleByLabel(handles, 'topright');
case 'left':
return this.getHandleByLabel(handles, 'right');
return false;


// scaleX, scaleY the two scales
// posX posY the position
// rotate the amount of rotation


ctx.fillRect(-50,-50,100,100); /// box with center as origin
ctx.fillRect(0,0,100,100); /// box with top left as origin
ctx.fillRect(-100,-100,100,100); /// box with bottom right as origin







变换矩阵由 2 个向量和一个坐标组成。这些矢量和坐标始终位于画布像素坐标中,表示像素 x 轴、y 轴和原点位置的方向和长度。

ctx.setTransform的文档调用参数a, b, c, d, e, f,这些参数掩盖了它们的实际上下文含义。我更喜欢称它们为xAx, xAy, yAx, yAy, ox, oy其中xAx, xAy是X轴向量(x,y),yAx,yAy是Y轴向量(x,y),ox,oy是原点(x,y)。


var xAx = 1;   // X axis vector
var xAy = 0;
var yAx = 0;   // Y axis vector
var yAy = 1;
var ox = 0;   // origin
var oy = 0;

并且可用于设置默认转换(而不是使用保存和还原)ctx.setTransform(xAx, xAy, yAx, yAy, ox, oy);


ox = ctx.canvas.width / 2;   // centre the transformation
oy = ctx.canvas.height / 2;

要缩放,您只需更改 x 轴或 y 轴的矢量长度。

var scaleX = 2;
var scaleY = 3;    
// scale x axis
xAx *= scaleX;
xAy *= scaleX;
// scale y axis
yAx *= scaleY;
yAy *= scaleY;

轮换有点棘手。现在我们将忽略任何偏斜,并假设 y 轴始终为 0.5Pi 弧度(从这里我将使用 Pi 单位的弧度.360 度是 2R 相当于 (2 * Pi) 弧度)或 0.5R (90 度)从 x 轴顺时针方向。

为了设置旋转,我们得到 x 轴的旋转单位向量

var rotate = 1.0; // in Pi units radian
xAx = Math.cos(rotate * Math.PI); // get the rotated x axis
xAy = Math.sin(rotate * Math.PI);
yAx = Math.cos((rotate + 0.5) * Math.PI); // get the rotated y axis at 0.5R (90deg) clockwise from the x Axis
yAy = Math.sin((rotate + 0.5) * Math.PI);

我们可以利用所涉及的对称性来稍微缩短方程(当您渲染 100 到 1000 或对象时很好)。要将矢量旋转 0.5R(90 度),您只需交换 x 和 y 分量,从而否定新的 x 分量。

// rotate a vector 0.5R (90deg)
var vx = 1;
var vy = 0;
var temp = vx;   // swap to rotate
vx = -vy;        // negate the new x
vy = temp;
// or use the ES6 destructuring syntax
[vx, vy] = [-vy, vx];  // easy as 


// rotation now in radians
rotate *= Math.PI; // covert from Pi unit radians to radians
yAy = xAx = Math.cos(rotate);
yAx = -(xAy = Math.sin(rotate));
// shame the x of the y axis needs to be negated or ES6 syntax would be better in this case.
[xAx, xAy] = [Math.cos(rotate), Math.sin(rotate)]; 
[yAx, yAy] = [-xAy, xAx]; // negate the x for the y 


// x, y the translation (the origin)
// scaleX, scaleY the x and y scale,
// r the rotation in radians 
// returns the matrix as object
function recomposeMatrix(x, y, scaleX, scaleY, rotate){
var xAx,xAy,yAx,yAy;
xAx = Math.cos(rotate);
xAy = Math.sin(rotate);
[yAx, yAy] = [-xAy * scaleY, xAx * scaleY];
xAx *= scaleX;
xAy *= scaleX;
return {xAx, xAy, yAx, yAy, ox: x, oy :y};

您可以将此矩阵交给 2D 上下文进行渲染

var matrix =  recomposeMatrix(100,100,2,2,1);     
ctx.setTransform(matrix.xAx, matrix.xAy, matrix.yAx, matrix.yAy, matrix.ox, matrix.oy);


// x, y the translation (the origin)
// scaleX, scaleY the x and y scale,
// r the rotation in radians 
// returns the matrix as array
function recomposeMatrix(x, y, scaleX, scaleY, rotate){
var yAx,yAy;
yAx = -Math.sin(rotate);
yAy = Math.cos(rotate);
return [yAy * scaleX, - yAx * scaleX, yAx * scaleY, yAy * scaleY, x, y];
var matrix = recomposeMatrix(100,100,1,1,0);



您有一个点 x,y 和矩阵及其两个轴向量和原点。要旋转和缩放,您需要将点单独移动到矩阵 x 轴上,然后沿矩阵 y 轴移动距离 y,最后添加原点。

var px = 100;  // point to transform
var py = 100;
var matrix =  recomposeMatrix(100,100,2,2,1);  // get a matrix
var tx,ty; // the transformed point
// move along the x axis px units     
tx = px * matrix.xAx;
ty = px * matrix.xAy;
// then along the y axis py units
tx += py * matrix.yAx;
ty += py * matrix.yAy;
// then add the origin
tx += matrix.ox;
ty += matrix.oy;


function transformPoint(matrix,px,py){
var x = px * matrix.xAx + py * matrix.yAx + matrix.ox;
var y = px * matrix.xAy + py * matrix.yAy + matrix.oy;
return {x,y};


可能CG应用程序中的问题是相对于旋转缩放对象定位点。 我们需要得到一个坐标系(称为空间)分层和分离的概念。

对于 2D,这相对简单。屏幕或画布空间始终以像素为单位,矩阵的原点为 [1,0,0,1,0,0],顶部为 x 轴 1 个像素,y 轴向下为 1 个像素。



所以我们有一个旋转、缩放、平移的对象,你想要获得相对于对象的坐标,而不是屏幕空间坐标,而是局部它自己的 x 和 y 轴。

为此,您需要对屏幕坐标(例如鼠标 x,y)应用转换,以撤消将对象放在原处的转换。您可以通过反转对象转换矩阵来获得该转换。

// mat the matrix to transform.
var rMat = {}; // the inverted matrix.
var det =  mat.xAx * mat.yAy - mat.xAy * mat.yAx; // gets the scaling factor called determinate
rMat.xAx  = mat.yAy / det;
rMat.xAy  = -mat.xAy / det;
rMat.yAx  = -mat.yAx / det;
rMat.yAy  = mat.xAx / det;
// and invert the origin by moving it along the 90deg rotated axis inversely scaled
rMat.ox = (mat.yAx * mat.oy - mat.yAy * mat.ox) / det;
rMat.oy = -(mat.xAx * mat.oy - mat.xAy * mat.ox) / det;


function invertMatrix(mat){
var rMat = {}; // the inverted matrix.
var det =  mat.xAx * mat.yAy - mat.xAy * mat.yAx; // gets the scaling factor called determinate
rMat.xAx  = mat.yAy / det;
rMat.xAy  = -mat.xAy / det;
rMat.yAx  = -mat.yAx / det;
rMat.yAy  = mat.xAx / det;
// and invert the origin by moving it along the 90deg rotated axis inversely scaled
rMat.ox = (mat.yAx * mat.oy - mat.yAy * mat.ox) / det;
rMat.oy = -(mat.xAx * mat.oy - mat.xAy * mat.ox) / det;     
return rMat;




var box = { x : -50, y : -50, w : 100, h : 100 };


var boxPos = {x : 100, y : 100, scaleX : 2, scaleY : 2, rotate : 1};


var matrix = recomposeMatrix(boxPos.x, boxPos.y, boxPos.scaleX, boxPos.scaleY, boxPos.rotate);
ctx.setTransform(matrix.xAx, matrix.xAy, matrix.yAx, matrix.yAy, matrix.ox, matrix.oy);
ctx.strokeRect(box.x, box.y, box.w, box.h);


var invMatrix = invertMatrix(matrix);
var mouseLocal = transformPoint(invMatrix, mouse.x, mouse.y);
if(mouseLocal.x > box.x && mouseLocal.x < box.x + box.W && mouseLocal.y > box.y && mouseLocal.y < box.y + box.h){
// mouse is inside




您将需要一些额外的转换矩阵功能,因此最好编写自己的矩阵类,或者您可以从 github 获取一个(或糟糕的矩阵,因为许多矩阵类写得很差),或者您可以使用大多数浏览器在实验阶段具有的内置矩阵支持,并且需要设置前缀或标志才能使用。在 MDN 中找到它们
