绑定Android Retrofit Multipart Data to Play框架



Things if have try:

  • 试图设置我自己的日期格式在"application.conf"到 date.format = yyyy-MM-dd
  • 试图手动设置java.util.Date格式。

    val format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
      format.format(new java.util.Date())


Map(stock -> List(11), productname -> List(pleasework), price -> List(11.0), userid -> List(test), brand -> List(nike), condition -> List(New (with defects)), date -> List("2015-09-20"), category -> List(Shoe), ean -> List(e0ee9583-fb10-43c1-80f3-c1725251adfc), sold -> List(true))

错误信息Play Framework is complain:

Binding Failed

Play Framework Controller Code:

val format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
      format.format(new java.util.Date())
      val userForm = Form(
          "ean" -> text,
          "date" -> of(dateFormat),
          "sold" -> boolean,
          "productname" -> text,
          "userid" -> text,
          "price" -> of(doubleFormat),
          "stock" -> number,
          "brand" -> text,
          "category" -> text ,
          "condition" -> text
    def multiuploaddata  = Action(parse.multipartFormData) {
       implicit request =>
     userForm.bindFromRequest()(request).fold (
            errFrm =>{
              println("Binding Failed")
            userData => {
              println("Success bind: " + userData.ean)
      Ok("Receive MultiImage is okay!")

Android Retrofit接口代码:

void updateProductImageData(@Part("ean") String ean,
                            @Part("date") Date date,
                            @Part("sold") boolean sold,
                            @Part("productname") String productname,
                            @Part("userid") String userid,
                            @Part("price") double price,
                            @Part("stock") int stock,
                            @Part("brand") String brand,
                            @Part("category") String category,
                            @Part("condition") String condition
,  @PartMap Map<String, TypedFile> Files, Callback<Photo> callback);

Android Fragment onClickListener:

mDoneButton = (Button) v.findViewById(R.id.done_button);
    mDoneButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
// Calling the retrofit Interface to send Data and Images over to server
                    mProduct.getDate(), mProduct.isSold(), mProduct.getProductName(),
                    mProduct.getUserId(), mProduct.getPrice(), mProduct.getStock(), mProduct.getBrand(), mProduct.getCategory()[0],
                    mProduct.getCondition()[0], files, new retrofit.Callback<Photo>() {
                public void success(Photo photo, Response response) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "SUCCESS UPLOAD MULTI IMAGE!!! " + response);
                public void failure(RetrofitError error) {


val datetime = new Date(1442802362000L)


val userForm1 = Form(
  "ean" -> text,
  "date" -> longNumber, <--- change to long instead of date
  "sold" -> boolean,
  "productname" -> text,
  "userid" -> text,
  "price" -> of(doubleFormat),
  "stock" -> number,
  "brand" -> text,
  "category" -> text ,
  "condition" -> text
Android Fragment code:
                    // Convert the date value into long
                    mProduct.getDate().getTime(), mProduct.isSold(), mProduct.getProductName(),
                    mProduct.getUserId(), mProduct.getPrice(), mProduct.getStock(), mProduct.getBrand(), mProduct.getCategory()[0],
                    mProduct.getCondition()[0], files, new retrofit.Callback<Photo>() {
                        public void success(Photo photo, Response response) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "SUCCESS UPLOAD MULTI IMAGE!!! " + response);
                        public void failure(RetrofitError error) {


我发现很奇怪的一件事是,对于def dateParse(data: String)函数。如果我传入值"2015-09-02",它将工作。但是如果值是从它的函数参数中获取的,它将工作。我在"data"参数上做了一个println,它是相同的"2015-09-02",但我就是不工作。

// This will work
def dateParse(data: String) = {formatter.parseDateTime("2015-09-02").toDate}
// This will not work
def dateParse(data: String) = {formatter.parseDateTime(data).toDate}
private def parsing[T](parse: String => T, errMsg: String, errArgs: Seq[Any])(key: String, data: Map[String, String]): Either[Seq[FormError], T] = {
stringFormat.bind(key, data).right.flatMap { s =>
  println("The Data is: " + data("date"))
    .left.map(e => Seq(FormError(key, errMsg, errArgs)))
def dateFormat(pattern: String, timeZone: TimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault): Formatter[Date] = new Formatter[Date] {
val jodaTimeZone = org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(timeZone)
val formatter = org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern).withZone(jodaTimeZone)
def dateParse(data: String) = {formatter.parseDateTime(data).toDate}
override val format = Some(("format.date", Seq(pattern)))
def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]) = parsing(dateParse, "error.date", Nil)(key, data)
def unbind(key: String, value: Date) = Map(key -> formatter.print(new org.joda.time.DateTime(value).withZone(jodaTimeZone)))
