如何在HTML5接收器中启动Citrix Xenapp而不是Windows接收器

我使用Citrix StoreFront Web API并实现了验证请求和获取资源列表的所有步骤。我还可以用以下代码启动应用程序:

function performLaunch(resource) {
        var icaFileUrl = resource.launchurl,
            csrfToken = getCookie('CsrfToken'),
            currentTime = (new Date()).getTime(),
            frameId = "launchframe_" + currentTime;
        // To initiate a launch, an ICA file is loaded into a hidden iframe.
        // The ICA file is returned with content type "application/x-ica", allowing it to be intercepted by the Citrix HDX
        // browser plug-in in Firefox/Chrome/Safari. For IE, the user may be prompted to open the ICA file.
        $('#hidden-iframes').append('<iframe id="' + frameId + '" name="' + frameId + '"></iframe>');
        if (csrfToken != null) {
            icaFileUrl = updateQueryString(icaFileUrl, "CsrfToken", csrfToken);
        // Web Proxy request to load the ICA file into an iframe
        // The request is made by adding
        icaFileUrl = updateQueryString(icaFileUrl, 'launchId', currentTime);
        $("#" + frameId).attr('src', icaFileUrl);
        console.log('perform launch - url: ' + icaFileUrl);

但不幸的是,它在Windows的Citrix Receiver上启动应用程序。但我的目标是在浏览器中启动应用程序。我们已经在我们的web服务器上安装了HTML5的Citrix Receiver,但我不知道如何在那里启动应用程序。




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