


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module TypeBools where
type family (||) (a :: Bool) (b :: Bool) :: Bool where
  'False  || 'False = 'False
  'False  || 'True  = 'True
  'True   || 'False = 'True
  'True   || 'True  = 'True
data OrProof (a :: Bool) (b :: Bool) (c :: Bool) where
  OrProof :: SBool (a || b) -> OrProof a b (a || b)
data SBool (b :: Bool) where
  SFalse  :: SBool 'False
  STrue   :: SBool 'True
class Boolean b where
  sBool :: SBool b
instance Boolean 'False where
  sBool = SFalse
instance Boolean 'True where
  sBool = STrue
orProof :: (Boolean a, Boolean b) => OrProof a b (a || b)
orProof = go sBool sBool where
  go :: SBool a -> SBool b -> OrProof a b (a || b)
  go SFalse SFalse = OrProof SFalse
  go SFalse STrue = OrProof STrue
  go STrue SFalse = OrProof STrue
  go STrue STrue = OrProof STrue



{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-- ...
class Singleton (t :: k) where
  data Sing t
  sing :: Sing t
instance Singleton 'False where
  data Sing 'False = SFalse
  sing = SFalse
instance Singleton 'True where
  data Sing 'True = STrue
  sing = STrue
type SBool b = Sing (b :: Bool)
type Boolean b = Singleton (b :: Bool)
sBool :: Boolean b => SBool b
sBool = sing


    Couldn't match type ‘b1’ with ‘'True’
      ‘b1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
           the type signature for
             go :: SBool a1 -> SBool b1 -> OrProof a1 b1 (a1 || b1)
           at TypeBools2.hs:40:9
    Expected type: SBool b1
      Actual type: Sing 'True
    Relevant bindings include
      go :: SBool a1 -> SBool b1 -> OrProof a1 b1 (a1 || b1)
        (bound at TypeBools2.hs:41:3)
    In the pattern: STrue
    In an equation for ‘go’: go SFalse STrue = OrProof STrue
    In an equation for ‘orProof’:
          = go sBool sBool
              go :: SBool a -> SBool b -> OrProof a b (a || b)
              go SFalse SFalse = OrProof SFalse
              go SFalse STrue = OrProof STrue
              go STrue SFalse = OrProof STrue
              go STrue STrue = OrProof STrue



模式匹配不起作用,因为STrueSFalse位于不同的数据定义中,而这些定义一开始就不是 GADT。模式匹配仅在正确的 GADT-s 上完成时优化类型。我们需要按种类调度,以便能够将某种类型的所有单例构造函数组合在一起。


data family Sing (x :: k)
data instance Sing (b :: Bool) where
  STrue :: Sing True
  SFalse :: Sing False

有了sing我们不需要 kind dispatch,因为我们只使用它来获取特定的提升值,所以以下工作:

class SingI (x :: k) where
   sing :: Sing x
instance SingI True  where sing = STrue
instance SingI False where sing = SFalse

至于orProof,我们想要的是类型级(||)的单例,这在以下类型中是最直接的实现Sing b1-> Sing b2 -> Sing (b1 || b2):我们将按照象形文字singletons命名惯例将其命名为(%:||)

type family (:||) (b1 :: Bool) (b2 :: Bool) :: Bool where
  True  :|| b = True
  False :|| b = b
(%:||) :: Sing b1 -> Sing b2 -> Sing (b1 :|| b2)
(%:||) STrue  b2 = STrue
(%:||) SFalse b2 = b2

OrProof不是很有用,因为它只是一个专门的相等类型以及一个SingI约束或普通Sing c

type OrProof a b c = SingI c => c :~: (a :|| b)
type OrProof' a b c = (Sing c, c :~: (a :|| b))
