
得到分割错误,请在下面的c代码逻辑中帮助解决问题。 程序因信号 SIGSEGV 终止,分段错误。

* For your reference:
* SinglyLinkedListNode {
*     int data;
*     SinglyLinkedListNode* next;
* };
SinglyLinkedListNode* insertNodeAtTail(SinglyLinkedListNode* head, int data) {
SinglyLinkedListNode *cur = head, 
*new = malloc ( sizeof (struct SinglyLinkedListNode)), *prev;

if ( head == NULL)
head = new;
return head;

while ( cur != NULL)
prev = cur;
cur = cur -> next;

prev -> next = new;
return head;



cur = cur -> next; // You read an uninitialized value (garbage)


*new = malloc ( sizeof (struct SinglyLinkedListNode)) ...
new->data = data;
new->next = NULL;

修改为下面的代码片段,它现在可以工作了,还删除了额外的 prev 指针跟踪。

SinglyLinkedListNode* insertNodeAtTail(SinglyLinkedListNode* head, int data) {
SinglyLinkedListNode *cur = head, 
*new = malloc ( sizeof (struct SinglyLinkedListNode));
// assigning the data in new node
new -> data = data;
new -> next = NULL;

// check for NULL head
if ( head == NULL)
head = new;
return head;

// traverse till the end of the linked list
while ( cur -> next != NULL)
cur = cur -> next;

// attach new node at the end of the linked list
cur -> next = new;
return head;
