Jenkins: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: 命令 "git fetch --logs --progress origin 返回的状态代码 143:





// Deployment template for CMS-based websites (Drupal or Wordpress)
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choice(choices: "DevnStagingnProduction", description: "Choose which environment to push changes to.", name: "DEPLOY_TO")
choice choices: "NonYes", description: "Choose whether to deploy the database as well.", name: "DEPLOY_DB"
environment {
SITEID = "ge"
DBNAME = "wpress_website"
DBSERVER = "dbserver"
DBUSER = "geWordpress"
DBPASS = "akjh23kas"
EXCLUDE = "comp_commentmeta,comp_comments"  // separate multiple tables with commas
DEPLOY_TO = "${params.DEPLOY_TO}"
DEPLOY_DB = "${params.DEPLOY_DB}"
stages {
stage("deploy-db-dev") {
when {
allOf { 
environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "dev"; 
environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_DB", value: "yes"; 
steps {
// this stage only required until we make our dev the master DB
// copy full dev database from appserv1
// import latest database dump to dev server
script {
FILENM = sh(script: 'ls -t goewp-s-dump* | head -1', returnStdout: true)
//Fixing the problem with the collation existing in the sql dump file, refer to: 
//apparently, this is due to a version of mysql issue. Once the problem is fixed from the server side we can then remove the following lines. 
sh "sed -i s/utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci/utf8mb4_unicode_ci/g ${FILENM}"
//The following line was added because the site is pointing to a staging server which we don't have control over, again, once this is fixed we can delete the following line of code. 
sh "sed -i s/ ${FILENM}"
sh "mysql -h appserver -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_dev < ${WORKSPACE}/${FILENM}"
stage("deploy-dev") {
when {
environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "dev"
steps {
// copy files to appserv2
// NOTE: if we move the repo to SVN, we should change httpdocs/ to ${env.SITEID}docs/
sh "sudo chown jenkins:jenkins *"
//Replace the wp-config.php file with our comp file with our information. 
sh "/bin/cp httpdocs/wp-config-comp.php httpdocs/wp-config.php"
// prepare the dev server to receive files by changing the owner
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv2 "sudo chown -R webadmin:webadmin /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
// copy files from control server to dev
sh "rsync --exclude=Jenkinsfile -rav -e ssh --delete ${WORKSPACE}/httpdocs/ webadmin@appserv2:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/"
// fix the owner/permissions on the dev server
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv2 "sudo chown -R apache:${env.SITEID}-web /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv2 "sudo chmod -R g+w /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv2 "sudo find /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;""
stage("deploy-db-staging") {
when {
allOf { 
environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "staging"; 
environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_DB", value: "yes"; 
steps {
script {
def myexcludes = env.EXCLUDE.split(',').toList()
MYFLAGS = "-Q -K -c -e --default-character-set=utf8 "
if (env.NOFLAGS == "0") {
myexcludes.each {
MYFLAGS = "${MYFLAGS} --ignore-table=${env.DBNAME}_dev.${it}"
sh "cd ${WORKSPACE}"
// pull a backup of the current dev database (may exclude some tables)
sh "mysqldump -h appserv2 -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_dev ${MYFLAGS} > ${env.DBNAME}_dev.sql"
// create a backup copy of the current staging database (full backup)
sh "mysqldump -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_stage > ${env.DBNAME}_stage_bak.sql"
// upload the dev database dump to the staging database
sh "mysql -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_stage < ${WORKSPACE}/${env.DBNAME}_dev.sql"
stage("deploy-staging") {
when {
environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "staging"
steps {
// copy files from dev to control server
sh "rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh webadmin@appserv2:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/"
//Replace the wp-config.php file with our comp file with our information. 
sh "/bin/cp httpdocs/wp-config-comp.php httpdocs/wp-config.php"
// prepare the staging server to receive files by changing the owner
sh "ssh webadmin@stageserv "sudo chown -R webadmin:webadmin /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
// copy files from control server to staging
sh "rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh --delete /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/ webadmin@stageserv:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/"
// fix the owner/permissions on the staging server
sh "ssh webadmin@stageserv "sudo chown -R apache:${env.SITEID}-web /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
sh "ssh webadmin@stageserv "sudo chmod -R g+w /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
sh "ssh webadmin@stageserv "sudo find /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;""
// delete the temporary files on the control server
sh "rm -Rf /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/"
// clear the caches
sh "wget -O - """
stage("deploy-db-production") {
when {
allOf { 
environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "production"; 
environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_DB", value: "yes"; 
steps {
script {
def myexcludes = env.EXCLUDE.split(',').toList()
MYFLAGS = "-Q -K -c -e --default-character-set=utf8 "
if (env.NOFLAGS == "0") {
myexcludes.each {
MYFLAGS = "${MYFLAGS} --ignore-table=${env.DBNAME}_stage.${it}"
sh "cd ${WORKSPACE}"
// pull a backup of the current staging database (may exclude some tables)
sh "mysqldump -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_stage ${MYFLAGS} > ${env.DBNAME}_stage.sql"
// create a backup copy of the current production database (full backup)
sh "mysqldump -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_prod > ${env.DBNAME}_prod_bak.sql"
// upload the staging database dump to the production database
sh "mysql -h ${env.DBSERVER} -u ${env.DBUSER} --password='${env.DBPASS}' ${env.DBNAME}_prod < ${WORKSPACE}/${env.DBNAME}_stage.sql"
stage("deploy-production") {
when {
environment ignoreCase: true, name: "DEPLOY_TO", value: "production"
steps {
// copy files from staging to control server
sh "rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh webadmin@stageserv:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/"
// prepare the production server to receive files by changing the owner
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv3 "sudo chown -R webadmin:webadmin /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv4 "sudo chown -R webadmin:webadmin /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
// copy files from control server to production
sh "rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh --delete /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/ webadmin@appserv3:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/"
sh "rsync --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git -rav -e ssh --delete /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/ webadmin@appserv4:/var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/"
// fix the owner/permissions on the production server
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv3 "sudo chown -R apache:${env.SITEID}-web /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv4 "sudo chown -R apache:${env.SITEID}-web /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv3 "sudo chmod -R g+w /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv4 "sudo chmod -R g+w /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/""
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv3 "sudo find /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;""
sh "ssh webadmin@appserv4 "sudo find /var/opt/httpd/${env.SITEID}docs/ -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;""
// delete the temporary files on the control server
sh "rm -Rf /tmp/${env.SITEID}docs/"
// clear the caches
sh "wget -O - """



