#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
std::ifstream input_file("Data.txt", ios::in);
ofstream out_data("Output.txt", ios::out);
int age = 0;
int totalAge = 0;
double RecLength, RecWidth, RecArea, RecPerimiter, CirRadius, CirCricumfrence = 0;
double totalWidth = 0;
double totalLength = 0;
double totalPerimiter = 0;
double totalSavings = 0;
double totalArea = 0;
double totalRadius = 0;
double totalCArea = 0;
double totalCircumfrence = 0;
double CirArea, Savings, NumberOfPeople = 0;
string NameFirst, NameLast;
while (!input_file.eof())
input_file >> RecLength;
input_file >> RecWidth;
totalLength = totalLength + RecLength;
totalWidth = totalWidth + RecWidth;
RecArea = RecLength * RecWidth;
totalArea = totalArea + RecArea;
RecPerimiter = (RecLength * 2) + (RecWidth * 2);
totalPerimiter = totalPerimiter + RecPerimiter;
input_file >> CirRadius;
totalRadius = totalRadius + CirRadius;
CirCricumfrence = 2 * M_PI * CirRadius;
totalCircumfrence = totalCircumfrence + CirCricumfrence;
CirArea = M_PI * pow(CirRadius, 2.0);
totalCArea = totalCArea + CirArea;
input_file >> NameFirst;
input_file >> NameLast;
input_file>> age;
totalAge = totalAge + age;
input_file>> Savings;
totalSavings = totalSavings + Savings;
out_data << "Rectangle:" << endl << "The total lengths= " << totalLength << ", width= " << totalWidth << ", area= " << totalArea << ", perimeter= " << totalPerimiter << endl << endl;
out_data << "Circle:" << endl << "The total Radius= " << totalRadius << ", area= " << CirArea << ", circumfrence= " << CirCricumfrence << endl << endl;
out_data << "Person:" << endl << "Total number of persons= " << NumberOfPeople << endl << "Total age= " << totalAge << endl << "The total saving= " << totalSavings << endl << endl;
return 0;
input_file >> RecLength;
if (input_file.fail()) {
RecLength = 0.0;
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
using namespace std;
int main() {
std::ifstream input_file("Data.txt", ios::in);
ofstream out_data("Output.txt", ios::out);
int age = 0, totalAge = 0;
double RecLength, RecWidth, RecArea, RecPerimiter, CirRadius, CirCricumfrence = 0;
double totalWidth = 0, totalLength = 0, totalPerimiter = 0, totalSavings = 0;
double totalArea = 0, totalRadius = 0, totalCArea = 0, totalCircumfrence = 0, CirArea, Savings, NumberOfPeople = 0;
string NameFirst, NameLast;
while (!input_file.eof())
input_file >> RecLength;
if (input_file.fail()) {
RecLength = 0.0;
input_file >> RecWidth;
if (input_file.fail()) {
RecWidth = 0.0;
totalLength = totalLength + RecLength;
totalWidth = totalWidth + RecWidth;
RecArea = RecLength * RecWidth;
totalArea = totalArea + RecArea;
RecPerimiter = (RecLength * 2) + (RecWidth * 2);
totalPerimiter = totalPerimiter + RecPerimiter;
input_file >> CirRadius;
if (input_file.fail()) {
CirRadius = 0.0;
totalRadius = totalRadius + CirRadius;
CirCricumfrence = 2 * M_PI * CirRadius;
totalCircumfrence = totalCircumfrence + CirCricumfrence;
CirArea = M_PI * pow(CirRadius, 2.0);
totalCArea = totalCArea + CirArea;
input_file >> NameFirst;
input_file >> NameLast;
input_file >> age;
if (input_file.fail()) {
age = 0;
totalAge = totalAge + age;
input_file >> Savings;
if (input_file.fail()) {
Savings = 0.0;
totalSavings = totalSavings + Savings;
out_data << "Rectangle:" << endl << "The total lengths= " << totalLength << ", width= " << totalWidth << ", area= " << totalArea << ", perimeter= " << totalPerimiter << endl << endl;
out_data << "Circle:" << endl << "The total Radius= " << totalRadius << ", area= " << CirArea << ", circumfrence= " << CirCricumfrence << endl << endl;
out_data << "Person:" << endl << "Total number of persons= " << NumberOfPeople << endl << "Total age= " << totalAge << endl << "The total saving= " << totalSavings << endl << endl;
return 0;